Why Do You Have High Blood Pressure

Why do you have high blood pressure?

The first question that comes to mind if you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure is why.

There are many factors that may play a role in the development of high blood pressure and it not always an indication that you are doing something wrong.

The following are the common factors and lifestyle issues that play a role in the development of high blood pressure:


Genetics- having a family history of high blood pressure can predispose you to developing high blood pressure. Lifestyle modification can have a big impact on your blood pressure; however, if you have a family history it may be inevitable that you will require medication to keep your blood pressure under control.

Obesity- obesity increases the workload of the heart causing an elevation in your heart rate and blood pressure. Obesity frequently results in the development of diabetes and over a long period of time uncontrolled diabetes may affect the kidneys which play a role in the development of high blood pressure. Also, patients that suffer from obesity develop hardening of the arteries. This hardening of the arteries prevents the blood vessel from relaxing with a subsequent increase in your blood pressure.

Make it your goal to start taking the steps to achieve your ideal body weight. The longer you wait the harder it is and the greater your risk of suffering from the long term side effects of high blood pressure and obesity.

Alcohol use- a small amount of alcohol intake may be good for your heart and cholesterol levels. However, excessive alcohol intake can actually cause an elevation in blood pressure, stress the walls of the heart, damage the liver, and increase your risk of falls and automobile accidents.

Smoking and use of other nicotine products- nicotine causes constriction of the blood vessels and stimulates the heart causing a rise in your blood pressure. The best first step in managing high blood pressure is to quit smoking. This adverse effect is also seen with all nicotine products not just smoking. Smoking not only affects your blood pressure, but can result in chronic lung disease, hardening of the arteries, and lung cancer.

Salt intake- excessive salt intake can result in an elevation in your blood pressure. Salt (sodium chloride) causes you to retain fluid and pulls fluid into the blood vessels causing a rise in your blood pressure due to the increase in fluid volume. Avoiding excessive salt and not adding salt to your diet is a great first step in managing your high blood pressure.

Stressful lifestyle- some stress in our lives can be beneficial; however, when the stress gets out of control it can have an adverse affect on your health. Continued poorly managed stress causes an elevation in your bodies adrenaline (catecholamines) which cause stimulation of the heart, constriction of the blood vessels and increases in your blood pressure. Healthy stress management plays a vital role in achieving and maintaining optimal health and blood pressure. Lean how to meditate and starting an exercise program will make a big impact on your health and blood pressure.

Legal and illegal drug use- some over the counter medications such as cold medications, and anti-inflammatory medication can contribute to an elevation in your blood pressure. Many cold preparations contain the decongestants pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine which cause and increase in blood pressure by the constriction of your blood vessels. The stimulant medications such as adderral, ritalin, dextro-amphetamine and others used to help treat attention deficit disorder and similar conditions can also result in elevations in blood pressure. Caution should be used when taking these medications if you suffer from high blood pressure.

Illegal drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine result in a similar response when taken even in small amounts. If an elevation in your blood pressure does not deter your use, then the risk of incarceration and destruction of your life should open your eyes.

The above lifestyle changes can play a big role in improving not only your blood pressure, but your overall health.

Learning to check your blood pressure and monitoring it at home is crucial to taking an active role in achieving optimal health.