Treating The Cold And Flu With Natural Remedies

Treating The Cold And Flu With Natural Remedies

Everyone has experienced it – a nasty case of the flu or even a cold that makes it hard to get things done. There’s no medication that can cure either of these problems because they’re caused by viruses. But there are many natural remedies that can help to shorten your illness give you relief from symptoms.

Neti Pot. One of the best ways you can clear congestion and keep your sinuses open is to clean your system with a neti pot. This is a small pot that you fill with warm saltwater. You’ll tilt your head to the side, insert the neti pot spout into your nostril, and then pour the water.

You’ll find that the water fills your sinuses and then runs out of the other nostril. After you’ve cleaned one side, you can then clean the other. Your nose will be much easier to blow and you can get some of the congestion out. You can do this any time to ease allergy and sinus problems.

Oil of Oregano. Oil of oregano is a good supplement to use for a short time while you’re recovering from the flu or a cold. It can relieve aches and pains as well as inflammation. You’ll want to take this as soon as you notice that you’re experiencing symptoms.

Oil of oregano comes in capsules that are easy to take. You’ll want to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper dosage. It’s not recommended that you take this long-term. It’s best used during an actual case of cold or flu.

Zinc. Zinc is a very good remedy if you have a cold or the flu. This can help to shorten the length of your illness. Unfortunately, many of the commercial zinc lozenges you find at the supermarket are full of additives as well.

Your best bet is to look for a high quality lozenge made from natural ingredients. Also look for the highest possible percentage of zinc. Follow the directions to make sure you don’t take too much. You’ll find this can shorten the length of your illness by as much as half.

Essential Oils. Eucalyptus as well as rosemary and peppermint essential oils can help you to get relief from congestion. Heat a small mug of water and add two drops of one these oils. Then place your nose over the mug and inhale.

These particular herbs can help you to breathe better. But you shouldn’t take them directly by mouth or use much in your steam preparation. You’ll love being able to breathe a bit better.

Elderberry. Elderberry has been shown by research to help relieve cold and flu symptoms effectively. You can purchase the extract and take it as directed. This will improve your symptoms and also shorten the infection.