Health and Wellness Planning for 2023

Achieving Your Goal of Mental Health with Health and Wellness Planning

A healthy body won’t get you very far in life if you don’t have the added advantage of robust mental health. Keeping your mind strong and healthy should parallel a priority of maintaining a healthy body plan of exercise and eating a proper diet.

Today, when you see a doctor for a physical checkup, you may experience an assessment of your mental acuity too. Patients and doctors are more aware of how daily stress and situations can affect your overall health and put you at risk for mental problems such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

If problems do surface during a doctor’s visit, there are proven ways to combat the threats to your mental health. Your health care provider can suggest methods – and this report also contains some suggestions you may want to try.

You’ll also find helpful information about what’s in store for the future regarding mental health issues. There are some new and advanced twists on some methods you may already know – and also some interesting gadgets and solutions you can look for in the coming years.


More Patients and Doctors Are Focusing on Mindset

The need for achieving a mindset that helps you meet challenges and realize success isn’t being swept under the rug anymore by patients or physicians. More healthcare providers are realizing that their patients often need help in dealing with daily challenges and stresses that may affect your health – and your mindset.

We all experience times in our lives when it’s difficult to focus or maintain a tenacity to meet challenges. Stress triggers occur every day, but the trick is to be able to subdue or get rid of them and go on with our lives.

You may not be used to talking to your doctor about problems in your life such as stress and other issues. But unless you have physical symptoms that point to mental problems (such as high blood pressure), it’s often difficult to diagnose if you’re not up front with your doctor.

Unless you’re honest about your feelings and emotions, you may miss a good opportunity to define what’s wrong and find solutions to improve your mental health. When your problems and the stress in your life become so difficult that it causes health problems, it’s especially important to communicate with your doctor.

Most of us wrestle with situational depression from time to time, but when depression becomes a major factor in how we spend our days, it’s time to make some changes. Those people who understand their feelings and how they happen are usually aware of how to cope with them.

More research and testing is being done than ever before to help people cope with the rising mental health issues in our society. Hands-on tools are the newest innovations in the technological realm of mental health.

Tools such as Spire and Pacifica are now being used by mental health professionals to determine when and how a person may be able to manage their anxiety and depression. They come in the form of mobile apps and wearable devices that can instantly pinpoint when thoughts and actions begin to spiral downward.

More research is also being done with older methods such as Yoga, aromatherapy and Tai Chi. These may be ancient forms of coping with problems and negative mindset, but they work in many cases to help people overcome hurdles in their lives and go on to success.

An aging population has triggered research in keeping a positive mental attitude as we age and face monumental changes in our lives. Death of a loved one and loss of physical abilities are all being taken into consideration by physicians and researchers and ways to cope are being studied.

Achieving a positive mindset will be in the forefront of future scientific and medical research to help people deal with fast-paced and sometimes terrifying problems that affect our world today.

Catching mental health problems early – such as in children – is another way that researchers will focus on helping ward off depression and negativity that may follow us through our lives and prevent us from achieving all we can.

Your mindset can change in an instant by certain situations in your life. For example, losing your job, the death of a loved one or a divorce can trigger a downturn of mental health and render you incapable of coping with even the simplest of tasks.

Even situations in your life that are considered happy occasions can disrupt your health and make you feel anxious or sad. Getting married, getting a job promotion, the birth of a baby or a child leaving for college may be so stressful that you lose focus and find it difficult to cope.

When these situations begin to affect your mental ability to focus, remember things or function properly, they’re also likely beginning to affect your physical health. High blood pressure, stomach issues such as ulcers or changes in appetite and many more symptoms may occur if you ignore it.

Finding methods to cope with stress can help ease these symptoms and get you back to enjoying life once again with a clear mind so that you’re able to meet life’s challenges. Strive for a balanced lifestyle by finding relaxation methods to put you at ease no matter what challenges and stresses enter your life.

A healthy mindset can help you reap the rewards you desire in life – a healthy body, relaxation and the ability to think clearly when you need to and the resilience you must have to keep life in perspective.


Diagnosing Your Previous Mental State

When you feel unbalanced, find it difficult to focus on daily business or have trouble getting enough sleep, it’s time for a diagnosis of your present mental state. You can find some clues in looking at your past mental history.

Perhaps you’re under a great deal of stress and need to either reduce your workload or other stress triggers or find new or tried and true methods to cope with it. If the usual methods of reducing stress don’t work, you should see a doctor for a possible medical diagnosis.

Not being able to focus on work or other daily factors in your life are signs that you need to reassess your mindset and make positive changes. The first thing you need to do is figure out if you’re in a growth or stagnant mindset.

A growth mindset sets you on the right track for success and can provide the motivation and even energy you need to move forward. Your mind keeps track of what’s happening in the present moment and should automatically discern what to do next.

Sometimes the interpretations of the mind cause us to see things differently than they really are and react emotionally. When that happens, feelings may become exaggerated and anxiety and depression may occur.

Ask yourself if your mind is providing the right signals as to what is happening now and assess your reactions. When your internal monologue focuses on putting yourself down, your mindset is fixed and your feelings and reactions to situations may be skewed.

A growth mindset also provides you with signals, but the internal monologue focuses on action rather than judgment. The situation may be positive or negative, but a growth mindset sees it as a lesson for progress.

Achieving a growth mindset will help you become more effective in setting and achieving goals and will replace the old mindset that kept you down. Your previous mindset had you listening to the voices that put negative thoughts in your head.

You can recognize those thought processes by how they make you feel. Put downs such as, “I’ll surely fail,” or “I don’t have the talent to do that,” are common thoughts for those with a fixed mindset of failure.

When you begin to recognize those voices for what they are (lies), you’ll be better able to make a choice of choosing to believe it or to challenge those voices by positive thoughts.

Learn how to use positive affirmations to combat the negative thoughts that run through the mind on a regular basis. Eventually, a growth mindset will take over and you’ll find yourself happier and with more energy to get things done.

You’ll likely have some setbacks and you won’t always be able to rise to the challenge of combating the negative thoughts in your mind, but with practice, you can learn and improve.

Journaling is a good method to learn about your mindset history. You can easily look back and see what your mindset was during various situations in your life and how you reacted to them – negatively or positively.

You may want to talk to your counselor or health care provider about some of the innovative new gadgets available that can help you gauge and get feedback on your mindset issues.

Wearable devices such as the Fisher Wallace Stimulator and the Pacifica app that can be downloaded to your mobile phone are just two of the incredible headways into achieving positive mindset that are on the market today.

Both provide feedback to help you overcome hurdles that arise on a daily basis and train your thought patterns to focus on positive rather than negative ways to cope with problems.

You’ll gain lots of insight into how to handle future problems similar to what you went through in the past. What worked to get you back on track in the past? You may realize that you over-reacted to a certain situation or problem or that there was a physical reason for your reaction.

Whatever is keeping you from the mental health and mindset you need to achieve success, taking a serious look at your past history is a good way of planning the future and your goal of glowing mental health.

Proven Stress and Anxiety Solutions You Can Try


Stress and anxiety can wreak havoc on your mental state and eventually cause physical problems. If you haven’t been diagnosed with a deeper mental health problem such as depression or bi-polar disorder, you may want to try some proven solutions to gain a more positive mindset.

Solutions include meditation, CDs (guided imagery), Yoga, Tai Chi, music and reading positive books or articles. Hypnotherapy and acupuncture have also been used successfully in helping calm the body and mind.

Yoga works to relieve stress and anxiety by conditioning your body through poses or postures. It helps you become aware of certain aspects of your body and the energy passing through it and helps you breathe in a more relaxed state to gain healing oxygen.

The more you practice Yoga, the more you’re able to focus on relaxing your body and mind. Modern-day medicine experts agree that the ancient practice of Yoga can improve brain function and strengthen the body and bone.

Visualization is another way to achieve your goal of mental health by learning to relax and clear your mind so you can focus and learn. You can use any technique using diagrams, mind images or animation to communicate positive ideas.

Visualization has been used at some point by almost everyone who has achieved great success. They use the ability to imagine themselves in successful situations or overcoming problems such as stage fright (fear of speaking in public) and sports challenges (used by Olympians).

A winning mindset often begins by visualizing how it would feel to achieve a big success or complete a goal you’ve been working on for a long time. It’s a psychological method that can provide the needed confidence and motivation you need to gain a positive mindset and flourishing mental health.

Tai Chi is another technique now used all over the world to bring about the calm and inner peace needed to achieve goals – both physical and mental. Tai Chi is often referred to as “meditation in motion.”

It uses gentle physical exercise and stretching techniques combined with mindset strategies to bring about fitness, flexibility and to reduce pain and anxiety associated with depression or stress.

Muscle strength, mood elevation, more energy, improved focus and lower blood pressure are added benefits of Tai Chi. The popularity of Tai Chi has risen over the past few years and you can find classes in almost every town or city. Online guidance is also available.

Floatation Therapy (Isolation Tanks) is a fairly new method of achieving a calm mind and more energized body. Isolation tanks were originally thought of as deprivation tanks because they’re void of light or sound and used as a form of alternative medicine, but the new name of Floatation Therapy sounds more positive.

Although the health benefits have been widely touted by some, the full medical assessment is still out on Flotation Therapy. Many now seek Floatation Therapy treatment for such conditions as chronic pain, arthritis and muscle tension.

Some claim that Flotation Therapy helps them cope with stress and anxiety and prepare for major mental hurdles such as speeches or stressful personal situations. You can purchase small, personal Flotation devices online or check with your local healthcare provider to find commercial locations in your area.

Hypnotherapy is another method used for generations to increase mental acuity and solve problems that may be preventing you from achieving success. Low self-esteem is a mindset that can keep you from success – and hypnotherapy is a known method to help raise your opinion of yourself.

Negative thoughts that run through your mind and decimate your courage and strength can be turned around by communicating with yourself in a hypnotic way. Hypnosis is safe and can help you relax and refocus your attention to empowerment rather than negative self-thinking.

You may choose the method of aromatherapy among the many ways to achieve positive mindset. Essential oils, herbs and spices can be used to reverse negative energy and set up your mind for positive thoughts and energy.

Certain aromas from plants and herbs such as lavender, sandalwood and cedarwood can get your mind back on track. Essential oils from these plants produce healing aromas that help us feel more stable and powerful. It’s an easy, inexpensive and pleasant way to improve the mindset.


Advances You Can Look for in the Coming Year

Next year will be a year of advances in many areas. One is the restoration and continuity of positive mental health. Scientists are making huge advances in methods to reduce stress and keep mental health on an even keel so you can concentrate on the future.

There will also be some twists on tried and true solutions, a few gadgets and new theories to put into action. The year 2017 will see strides in telemedicine for mental health just as 2016 experienced successes in telemedicine for other types of health care.

Statistics point out that one in five adults has mental health problems – and poor youth mental health is becoming an epidemic. While more Americans have access to health services, most insurance won’t cover mental health issues.

Pacifica is a downloadable app that is especially designed to help with anxiety issues and is growing rapidly in popularity as more become aware of this innovation. This mobile app uses therapeutic technology and cognitive behavioral therapy to break the vicious cycle of anxiety.

By getting rid of the unhealthy feelings and thoughts that come with anxiety, you’ll be able to develop a healthier outlook – and a healthier body. This mobile app helps you relax and successfully manage stress and what it does to ruin our lives.

Another innovative device – the Fisher Wallace Stimulator – is a neurostimulation gadget that’s approved by the FDA and has been proven to help decrease anxiety, depression and insomnia.

It’s a headband that’s worn over the temples that simulates the release of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. These two chemicals help to reduce stress in everyday life and stimulate feelings of happiness and well-being.

You’ll need a prescription for this device from your healthcare provider, but it’s a great move upward from having to use other antidepressant treatments such as drugs. The Fisher Wallace Stimulator painless and relaxing to use.

Along with Fitbit and other devices that have made a difference in how we monitor our physical health, there are new wearable devices that can detect feelings and emotions that may send us into downward spirals of depression unless we counter attack.

The Spire is a wearable device that can detect your mood before you even know it’s happening by assessing breathing patters and other physical signs. You’ll get feedback when you begin to experience negative emotions and suggestions about how to improve your mood.

All you have to do is clip the device to a bra or belt and the Spire will begin detecting your moods without you having to make entries in an app. Since chronic stress and anxiety can negatively affect your immune system and lead to dire physical problems, the Spire can make an impact on your physical health as well as your mental wellness.

Another technological innovation that should make an impact on mental health in 2017 includes 1DocWay. It’s a telepsychiatry program that’s making headway with its modern and innovative program to reach those who live in remote areas and also those who find it difficult to travel for help.

You’re able to meet one on one through a communication device such as a computer or phone and speak freely to a mental health specialist in the privacy of your own home. Most patients prefer telepsychiatry to the problems involved with waiting for an appointment or making long commutes.

Technology is booming within the mental healthcare community and more positive outcomes are available from the methods now being used and developed that can change human behavior patterns.

Healthcare providers are finding that boosting their patients’ mental health produces the added benefit of a boost in physical well-being. Besides the technological advances that are sure to make a difference in 2017, other innovations in the way we live our lives are also being discussed.

It’s now a known fact that getting enough sleep, combined with the proper amount of social interaction, proper diet, giving to others and stress management leads to a lifestyle that is balanced. Studies are being conducted about how to help both children and adults gain positive mental health by conforming to a balanced lifestyle.

More attention will also be given to diet and the state of the food we eat. Rather than empty calorie foods, which spike our blood sugar, focus will turn to foods which sustain us throughout the day – such as healthy fats and proteins.

Multi-tasking and working 24/7 will become a thing of the past as more people realize that socializing and making time to “play” is restorative to both mind and body. Focusing on others by volunteering or becoming involved in a cause will also become a popular way to look beyond ourselves to find real peace within.

An overhaul on how we think of mental health issues is going to be in focus during the coming months and year and more ideas and innovations will be tested. Positive thought patterns will also be researched – giving us hope for a robust and happy quality of life.
Disease Management and Prevention Plans

Whether you’re currently diagnosed with a major disease, have been told you should take steps to prevent one you’re likely to contract or just want to have a plan of action to prevent diseases, you should know about the various management and prevention plans available today.

Make the New Year one of gathering informative data and taking steps to become or remain healthy. If you’ve been ignoring signs and symptoms of possible health problems or ignore your genetics, take charge of your health and make it a year of finding out the facts.

Pay particular attention to symptoms and health concerns such as diabetes, chronic pain cancer, heart disease, respiratory illnesses such as COPD, dementias, osteoporosis and gastrointestinal issues.

Make your doctor your partner in your wellness and prevention management. Use statistics gathered from tests by discussing how you can ward off future complications by changing your lifestyle.

Be proactive in your plan for wellness. You might choose an alternative treatment plan for medical issues rather than invasive surgery or medications. Just be sure you’re well informed so you can make decisions that will help, rather than hurt, your health.

Find and stick to a plan which will bring positive changes to your present and future health. Everyone is different in their needs and their approaches to disease management and prevention so do your research and then decide which is best for you.


Make This a Year for Major Health Achievements


Ignoring symptoms or diagnoses isn’t a good way to take care of yourself and prevent further damage to your health. Many diseases and chronic illnesses – when caught early – can be treated immediately to get you back into the life you love.

Taking charge of your health and responsibility of choosing treatment is one of the most intelligent decisions you can make about your health. If you have an ongoing, chronic illness, it will affect your health for perhaps your entire life.

Diabetes, Crohn’s Disease or Hypertension are examples of chronic diseases that can wreak havoc on your life. You can’t cure chronic diseases, but proper management can lessen the symptoms.

An acute type of illness will disappear eventually over time or by treatment such as surgery or taking medications. Back pain resulting from a herniated disk and strep throat are examples of acute illnesses that may be cured by surgery or medications.

Even if you have an incurable chronic disease, you can take care of your health by making some different lifestyle choices and researching how you can lessen symptoms and the results you’re experiencing from it.

Making sure you use the prescribed medications as you should is one way to ensure you won’t have even more problems in the future. For example, if you’ve been given a prescription for back pain, it may be tempting to take more than the prescribed amount if you’re suffering.

Take inventory of what’s happening and decide if there are certain things you could do differently to have the same results as taking more medications. If you have a back pain problem, are there exercises which can help alleviate some of the pain?

That’s the type of disease management that will keep you as healthy as possible while you’re dealing with the illness. It will also keep you from developing serious problems later on.

You may feel overwhelmed if you have a health problem that requires constant monitoring and that the illness prevents you from living life as you want it. For example, if you have diabetes and are required to give yourself insulin injections, you may feel uncomfortable socializing or traveling.

There’s no reason to feel helpless. You can lessen the effects of any chronic illness by taking responsibility to manage your disease effectively. Your doctor can prescribe treatments, but you’re responsible for following his or her guidance.

If you don’t like the path they have you on, have a conference with them and voice your concern. If you don’t feel they’re listening, change healthcare providers. You should be partners with your doctor and listen to their advice that may help you deal with your illness.

Be sure to speak to your doctor about alternative treatments for your illness. Do your own research, but realize that your doctor should be familiar with your overall health and be able to assess what treatments will work for you – and which won’t.

Part of your disease management plan should be asking for help when you need it. Friends and family will likely be more than willing to give you the support you need, but they will only know the situation if you explain it to them.

If friends and family aren’t available, you should be able to find a support group consisting of others with your health problem. You can even find support groups online if you’re not physically able to attend meetings.

Making a few simple changes in your lifestyle will go a long way in managing your health to prevent certain diseases – chronic or acute. For example, drinking more water per day will help keep you hydrated and your organs working as they were meant to.

Water flushes out toxins that build up in the body and can morph into debilitating diseases. Drinking more water will also help you feel energized to accomplish more during the daylight hours.

Monitoring your health by making appointments for such tests as hearing and sight is also a good way to prevent diseases or catch them quickly. Breast exams, colonoscopies and endoscopies (close look at digestive system) should be part of your plan to prevent a downturn of your health.

One of the best ways to stay healthy is to introduce some exercises into your daily regimen. Making time for exercise doesn’t have to be hard. It could be as simple as taking the stairs rather than the elevator.

And don’t forget stress management as part of your disease management and prevention routine. Stress is one of the leading culprits in developing chronic diseases such as depression and even heart disease and high blood pressure.

The good news is that there are many stress management techniques that can help you deal with and alleviate most of the stress from your life. Research Yoga, Tai Chi, aromatherapy and other stress-relief techniques and choose the one that works best for you.

Top Health Issues You Should Be Vigilant About

There are certain health issues that – if checkups and symptoms are ignored – could turn your life upside down and even cause death. These include cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, heart disease, respiratory illnesses, dementia, osteoporosis and gastrointestinal issues.

Most of us have been touched by cancer in our lives – either ourselves or someone we love. It’s a devastating diagnosis that has so many symptoms, they can’t be listed. But, the best way to keep a watch for cancer within your body is to monitor and notice subtle or dramatic changes in your health.

Cancer is such a complex disease (over 100 types), it’s difficult to know what all the symptoms may be or how they might manifest in your own body. Some cancer types are slow-growing while others are aggressive and move through the body rapidly.

When a cancer is in the early stages, you may not notice a major change in your health. But subtle changes may be present. These may include a change in a mole or the skin, bowel and digestive issues, weight loss or gain you can’t explain and persistent fatigue.

Be open with your doctor about any changes in health you may be experiencing. Caught early enough, many cancers can be cured quickly and without too much change to your lifestyle.

Diabetes has become a major health problem and everyone should be aware of the symptoms because they’re easy to miss. It’s called the “silent killer” and even children have been touched by the epidemic that’s sometimes a devastating diagnosis.

Diabetes is triggered by too much sugar in the body – and it’s almost impossible to escape since everything we eat seems to be laden with sugar – even so-called health foods such as yogurt.

Be sure to test your blood sugar on a regular basis and avoid foods with high sugar or carb content. Genetic diabetes should be monitored even closer. If your family members are suffering or have suffered from the disease, be vigilant in monitoring possible symptoms.

Symptoms of diabetes may include sudden increase in thirst and urination. The problem is that your kidneys are attempting to flush out the increase of glucose in the blood, so you may be getting up through the night and rushing to the bathroom during the day.

Weight loss is another symptom of diabetes. This type of weight loss isn’t good because it destroys muscle and can leave you with even more physical problems. Be sure you discuss possible diabetes symptoms with your doctor and find out ways to prevent or keep it at bay as long as possible.

Chronic pain can turn your life upside down. It can result in weight gain, inability or lack of desire to socialize and even acute depression. Make it a point to know why you’re having chronic pain and what your options are to relieve it.

Whenever possible, choose alternative remedies rather than prescription medications to alleviate the pain. Acupuncture, certain exercises and other methods could work for you and lessen your chance of dependency on drugs. Surgery to relieve the pain once and for all may also be a good option.

Heart disease is another “silent killer” that could be difficult to diagnose unless you’re vigilant about doctor visits and tests. Some things you can monitor on your own might alert you to a heart problem.

Such issues with your health as high blood pressure, lack of exercise, smoking, diabetes diagnosis and cholesterol and triglyceride levels are all precursors of heart health problems.

Respiratory illnesses such as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) include symptoms such as shortness of breath, a chronic cough and wheezing. But, these symptoms are usually absent unless lung damage has happened.

Be vigilant about symptoms occurring which involve the lungs. If you smoke, have frequent infections or are genetically prone to respiratory illnesses keep close watch by informing your doctor about changes in your breathing, tightness of chest and other lung issues such as frequent bronchitis.

Preparing for Your Doctor’s Visit


Wellness or management appointments are important to see where you stand and get vital statistics so you can make adjustments to your lifestyle to ward off future complications.

In order to get the information you need to make informative decisions about your health and possible prevention of disease. That means opening up to your doctor and being completely honest about any health issues you’re experiencing.

Before a doctor visit, put all your ducks in a row. That means careful preparation of a detailed checklist before the appointment. Make copious notes about anything unusual you’re experiencing with your health.

This may mean keeping a daily diary of how you’re feeling and possible symptoms of a disease. Don’t think you can remember everything. Write it down in a journal and be as specific as you can – from beginning to end.

For example, if you go to the bathroom so many times per night that it’s interrupting your sleep and causing you to be ineffective at your job the next day, write it down and present it to the doctor at your next examination.

Explain in great detail how you’re feeling. Have you experienced a decreased or elevated appetite? Do you have trouble sleeping or have decreased sex drive? Fatigue is also a symptom you should write down and discuss with your doctor.

Be sure to discuss with your doctor the side effects of any medications you’re taking. She may have to adjust or change the prescriptions to lessen the effects. Also, include herbal remedies, supplements and over-the-counter drugs you’re taking. They may be having an adverse effect on your health.

During the discussion with your physician, include any surgeries you may have had that could change your health makeup. If you’ve had your appendix or gallbladder taken out, be sure to include that in the discussion.

Stress can cause symptoms of so many illnesses that it’s imperative that you acknowledge the stress in your life in a discussion with your doctor – especially if you’re under an inordinate amount of it.

Discussing emotional stress may be difficult to discuss with your doctor, but remember that she’s the professional, so let her make the decision about how powerful of an effect it’s having on your health.

Take notes on what your doctor is telling you. You may want to ask ahead of time if she would mind if you recorded your session. It’s so easy to forget what the doctor says because you may be nervous or the information you’re hearing is too much to digest at once.

Listen carefully – and make another appointment afterward if you need to so you can clear up any misapprehensions you have about the visit.

Get Informed About Your Options for Treatment

From traditional Western medicine to alternative therapies, you should take a proactive approach in your treatment decisions. Information is key to your decision making and the best guidance you can have is from your physician.

You can also check out alternative treatments online and then discuss them with your doctor. The quality of life you’ll experience in the future depends on how well you know your treatment options.

Options are abundant when you go to the store for groceries or a boutique for clothing. But, often you’re only offered one type of treatment for an illness. Ask your doctor why she recommends a certain method of treatment for you and then ask about others and why they may or may not be a good option for you.

When a doctor only offers pain medication for a back pain problem, ask about other options such as exercises and more natural means of managing the pain. With all the information now offered online, it should be easy to find other options you may be interested in.

Being a good patient doesn’t mean blindly taking the option the doctor is offering. Be proactive and ask about other treatment options available. Other options may include injections, pills, exercise or surgery – or a combination of those.

Voice any concerns you have about the treatment option offered. It may not be the best for you and the only way you can know for sure is to ask questions and research. Be honest with your doctor that you’re out to find the best medical treatment for you.

Consider a treatment that has fewer side effects or one that’s better for your lifestyle and budget concerns. The more questions you ask, the more control you’ll garner of your healthcare options.


Healthy Changes That Will Prevent Many Common Health Problems



Some changes are obvious when it comes to preventing health problems. Quitting smoking, proper diet and getting enough sleep are just a few that you may be familiar with.

And there are others that will also help you overcome or prevent chronic or acute illnesses that may find their ways into your life. Diet and lifestyle changes are the best ways to begin your quest for ultimate health.

Losing weight tops the list of healthy changes you can make to your body to prevent diseases. That means adhering to a healthy diet plan and a course of exercise that will build strength and muscle and get rid of fat.

Getting enough sleep has recently come to the forefront as a cause of health problems and the onset of disease. If you don’t get enough sleep, you run the risk of damaging your immune system and become depressed and frustrated.

Sleep research indicates that those who suffer from sleep disorders frequently develop diseases such as those associated with the heart, depression and anxiety. Finding a way to sleep well and awake refreshed can help with many health problems.

Addiction is another cause of health problems. Addiction to pain medication is rampant in our society. There are many other ways to manage pain other than downing powerful pills that make you want even more.

Speak with your doctor about ways to manage your pain and avoid the vicious cycle of pain medication. An addiction to smoking or alcohol may also cause health problems. Ask your doctor about patches or other methods to help you stop the smoking addiction – and cut down or completely cut out your alcohol consumption to alleviate addiction problems.

Supplements and vitamins may keep you healthy if you’re taking the right ones. The best way to find out which vitamins and minerals you may be lacking is to be tested. One of the most common vitamin shortages is lack of vitamin C.

During winter months, many people – especially those living in northern climates – don’t get enough sun or eat a diet high in vitamin C. Test for a lack of this vitamin and be sure to check into supplements to correct the situation.

Of course, a healthy diet and good exercise program can alleviate or prevent many health problems. Everyone has a different body type and a different way that they process food and respond to exercise.

It’s important that you discuss with your doctor how you eat and exercise so that she might recommend other actions. You’ll want to eat a diet that helps you maintain an ideal body weight and exercise for energy and stamina.

Obesity is a main concern in today’s world. Your BMI (body mass index) should be analyzed and can determine whether or not you are prone to or will eventually contract certain diseases.

Fad diets and over-the-top exercise programs can damage your health, so discuss any changes you may be considering with your doctor. Even if you’re obese, there are certain exercises that you can perform safely and that will make a difference in your health.

Any diet you embark on should be carefully thought out and discussed with your physician. Starving yourself can lead to other diseases such as anorexia or bulimia. Make a few changes at first and you’ll begin to notice positive changes.

Disease management and prevention plans can be positive additions to your lifestyle. It’s always better to be informed and proactive in any treatment or preventative measures, so do your research before making any long-term decisions about your health.


Physical Fitness for Energy and Stamina


If you don’t exercise because you think it makes you tired, think again. When you engage in a routine of exercise you reap many benefits – one of which is extra energy to last throughout the day.

Weight loss and physical fitness are other benefits to exercising. The best part is that anyone of any age or fitness level can find a type of exercise that suits them. What you may mistake for tiredness at first is simply your body getting used to moving after being stagnant for a long period of time.

Take a look at exercising today – how technology has expanded what we know about exercising and has produced gadgets that help you on your physical fitness quest and also make exercising safer.

You need to learn how to formulate fitness goals. You don’t want to jump in at a level that’s beyond you or become bored because it’s not challenging enough. Exercise can help you meet your weight loss goals and improve your health if you do it right.


Exercise Is for More Than Just Weight Loss



Shedding pounds is the main reason that people decide to exercise, but those who are exercise regulars know that the benefits are much more than that. When you exercise, you’re releasing endorphins needed to be energetic and alert.

You’re also helping to strengthen the heart muscle and improve circulation – two improvements that will also beat fatigue and help energize. And improving your muscle tone will help you burn more calories. It’s a win-win way to feel and look better.

Fatigue is a complaint that doctors hear more than any other these days. It’s difficult to think that the antidote to low energy is to get moving, but that’s exactly the remedy. If you get up off the couch and begin to move around, the more energy you’ll have.

Research has proven that you can increase your energy level by 20% by engaging in regular exercise sessions – of low intensity. So you don’t have to work out in a frenzy to reap the benefits. Just move.

Your body will become stronger and you’ll feel more energetic and refreshed. There are little organs within our cells called mitochondria. These tiny power producers work their best when we exercise.

The more you exercise, the more mitochondria are produced in the body. Cardiovascular exercise is the best way to create more mitochondria and as a result, have more energy.

Along with the complaint of fatigue, lack of sleep also seems to be a common problem among men and women today. If you don’t get enough sleep, your energy for the next day is zapped and it’s much more difficult to focus and get the job done.

Lack of sleep can also lead to depression, which further lessens your desire to get up and exercise or stick to a healthy diet plan. It can wreak havoc with your food cravings too, causing you to consume more carbs and foods high in sugar content.

You can avoid nights of sleeplessness by engaging in some physical activity such as walking. Don’t exercise too close to bed time, but a few hours before. Also, avoid eating just before bed time as it’s more difficult for food to digest properly.

One of the main benefits of regular exercise is to prevent serious health conditions and reduce anxiety and stress. There are four main diseases that medical researchers have determined are helped by exercise.

Heart disease may be prevented by exercising that lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol. Maintaining a healthy weight in addition to exercise may prevent this and other diseases.

If you suffer from the pain of arthritis or are prone to sore, stiff joints, exercise can help to reduce the pain and build muscle strength within the affected joints. You’ll also experience less stiffness in joints when you exercise regularly.

Researchers have also determined that certain types of cancer may be prevented by exercising – especially for women. The hormone, estrogen, is produced by women and plays a big role in the formulation of breast cancer.

Exercise can actually reduce blood estrogen and help lower your risk of breast cancer – along with other cancer inducing situations like high insulin levels. Besides playing a role in reducing breast cancer, you can also reduce your risk of endometrial and colon cancers.

More research is ongoing to see how regular activity may prevent other cancers. But it’s been established that the risk of developing many cancer types is over twenty percent lower among those who exercise than those who aren’t active at all.

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, back pain and asthma may also be helped by exercise. Regular exercise helps insulin lower high levels of blood sugar, reduce the severity of asthma and the frequency of attacks and also strengthen back muscles to reduce symptoms of pain and stiffness.

As with any type of lifestyle change, begin slowly – perhaps walking – and gradually build your strength and endurance level so that you can engage in more challenging activities.


Fitness at Any Size and Age


You may feel that you weigh too much to exercise – or you’re too old and it would be dangerous. The truth is that you can begin as small as is physically comfortable to you and still reap the benefits of regular movement.

And your age is only a number. Unless you have physical ailments or a medical condition, there’s almost no type of exercise you can’t try – with your healthcare provider’s approval, of course.

When you work on your weight and body to be the best you can be, it will show in many different ways. You’ll have more energy, be better able to focus and be a happier person because you feel better.

Don’t let your muscles wither away with age and put on weight that makes you look frumpy and out of shape. With a little persistence and patience, you can become healthier and experience a new lease on life.

Begin slowly. Walking is one of the best exercises and unless you’re confined to a bed or wheelchair it’s a good way to begin a fitness program. If you’ve been sedentary for a good length of time, it may seem like an unreachable goal.

More than likely, you have a great deal of weight to lose and the challenges to get to the weight that’s best for you may be daunting. Yet, exercise combined with a weight loss diet plan is the only way to become healthier and fit.

There are many apps and gadgets to help you monitor your progress along the way. The wearable technology such as Fitbit can record how many steps you take per day and other areas that can help you lose weight and continue to become healthier.

It’s important to find an exercise you enjoy and one that works for you and your lifestyle. Besides walking, try dancing to lift your mood while moving the body. Water aerobics and swimming are great exercises if you’re overweight.

Also, stretching exercises such as those practiced in Yoga are easy on the body, but can raise your energy level and make you feel great. Do you like to garden? Gardening gets you outdoors and the activities you engage in will improve your body and mind.

If you think you’re too old to exercise like you used to – it’s probably because you’ve let your body become sedentary and out of shape. You may have aches and pain or even a medical condition that keeps you from getting in shape.

But, your body is like your mind – if you don’t use it, you run the risk of losing its capacity to perform. Actually, your body is probably not in as bad shape as you think it is. You may be less able to do as much as you previous did, but you may be able to do the same things.

You may use the excuse of a slow metabolism to shun exercise, but muscle loss from lack of exercise may be the reason for your sluggish metabolism. When you build that muscle, your metabolism will increase and burn calories more effectively.

No matter what your size or age, there’s a way to begin an exercise program and keep it up until you reach your desired fitness level and weight. First, you must develop a winning attitude.

Know that it will take time to reach your goals and set smaller goals in the beginning to feel good about your progress. The results will begin to show if you stick to the program and don’t give up.

Be realistic about your fitness and exercise program. A simple five or ten minutes a couple of times per week is a good place to start. It may seem like you’re not progressing, but after a couple of weeks, you can rev it up and add to your movements and it won’t seem as difficult.

Don’t think you have to get into an exercise program or purchase a gym membership to lose weight and become fit by exercise. Just a small amount of movement in the beginning is plenty to get you going. Keep in mind that most people don’t regret exercising – but many regret it when they don’t.


Cautionary Warning About Fitness Goals


When people make the decision to lose weight and become fit, they’re usually enthusiastic about their imminent new lifestyle. They begin with a fervor and end the program much too soon because they’ve tried to do too much – too fast.

Going overboard at first may also cause injuries. If you know your muscles aren’t ready for an intensive workout, don’t do it. It will cause more problems than you’ll want to deal with.

Plan for small, incremental fitness changes, such as walking a few minutes per day, a couple of times per week – or swim for fitness so it will be easier on your body. One thing to remember when you begin to plan fitness goals is to be very specific.

Don’t just think “get fit” is going to be enough motivation and information to guide you through the long run. Make small changes and when you’re ready move on. Goals should also be carefully planned.

If you’re worn out in the evening hours from working all day, set a goal to get up earlier in the morning to walk or exercise. If your long term goal is to run in a marathon, you’re going to have to plan carefully so you’re up to the challenge when the time comes.

Short term goals lead to the long term goals you desire, so plan them as carefully as the ones you want to eventually reach. By setting realistic short term goals, you’ll find that at the end of the journey, it won’t seem as difficult or overwhelming as it did at first.

Goals should be challenging, but achievable if you work hard – and that’s what getting fit is all about. Setting goals that are out of reach will end up being frustrating and possibly cause you to end your quest for fitness and weight loss.

Patience is the key to setting fitness goals. The transformation of your body and good health won’t happen quickly, but it will happen if you plan carefully and aspire to meet each goal systematically.

Whether you’re planning to lose 5 or 100 pounds – or run a five mile marathon after being sedentary for years, it’s possible if you follow some simple guidelines. Start thinking differently about your challenges and you’ll be surprised at the results.

Breaking down your large fitness goals into smaller increments that will bring success is the first step. Figure out how you want to track your progress and don’t forget the new, technological innovations that can help you measure not only your steps, but your health.

Choose attainable goals, but don’t make them too easy. You know what your limits are, so don’t forget that when goal planning. Rather than having a goal for just losing weight, put a number of pounds you’re going to lose so it’s measurable and you can track your progress.

What motivates you? If you’re not motivated, you won’t reach your goals, so be sure to focus on what you like about a diet or exercise program so you’ll have more of a chance to stick to it for the long term.

How long will your exercise plan last to achieve your goals? If you don’t have an ending point where your goals are now achieved and you can go on to the next plan, it’s difficult to get into the proper mindset. It seems like a never-ending project.


Use Technology to Help You Improve Your Fitness


Thanks to innovative technology, there are now a plethora of methods you can use to help you meet your physical fitness goals and achieve success and stay safe while exercising.

They can help with goal setting because you don’t have to guess at meeting some of the hurdles within your goals. You’ll know how high your heart rate went when exercising or how many steps you traveling during the day.

They’ll also help you focus on your health and fitness goals and set priorities. Some are apps that you can download for access while others can be worn or even inserted within your body.

One of the best in wearable fitness technology is the Spree headband. It provides detail about your body such as your core temperature, distance information, speed you’re moving, heart rate, GPS info and how many calories you’ve burned.

The Spree headband is lightweight to fit over your forehead and has the added benefit of keeping sweat from dripping in your eyes. Check out the reviews online. It makes a great gift or the perfect personal indulgence.

The innovative Jawbone UP24 is a bracelet that monitors your workouts, how you sleep and even tracks your diet through the downloadable app that comes with it. It doesn’t come with a screen, so you have to use the app, but Bluetooth makes sure it’s always connected to your phone for current updates.

Nike is always a good bet for the best sports and exercise footwear. The Nike TR1+ Trainers is another example of combining technology with the best brands to get an amazing way to monitor your workout.

These shoes contain sensors in the sole of the shoes which react to pressure from your foot’s toe, ball and heel. You’ll receive measurements about movement and weight spread on a downloadable app and be able to get real-time feedback on your body’s posture and movements.

Added bonuses for the Nike Trainers include video workouts from some of the world’s best athletes and will even pair you with a virtual gym friend to help you along and motivate you to exercise.

Withings Smart Body Analyser keeps you motivated by analyzing your weight loss so it’s not as demoralizing as getting on the weight scales. Many people simply give up when the scales show weight gain (or same weight) after working so hard to lose it.

The Smart Body Analyser connects to your home WiFi network and provides more information than a simple number. You’ll be able to measure your heart rate, ambient temperature, body fat and even air quality to instantly see how your exercise performance is affecting your body.

This app will become the focal point of your workout regimen and does so much more than measure your workout routine. You’ll also receive info from sleep trackers, your fitness bracelets and blood pressure through the app. Having all of the information in one central app helps you gain insight into how your body works.

Do you have trouble tearing yourself away from gaming to go to the gym? The Xbox 360 Kinect is yet another appealing gadget to keep your exercise regimen on track. Nike and Adidas have produced games to work with the Xbox Kinect through motion sensors.

You’ll need an Xbox console to play the games, but you’ll have the added benefit of the motion sensors to plan your fitness regimen and receive feedback on your performance. It’s a fun and easy way to exercise in your own environment.

Experiment and do some online research to find a technological innovation that would be fun and informative for you to use. There are so many now available that you shouldn’t have any trouble choosing.


Switch Up Your Routine to Prevent Boredom and Stagnant Results


Having fun with your exercise regimen is the best way to stick to it. Rather than concentrate on the treadmill or stationary bicycle, mix it up with walking, stair-climbing and swimming once in awhile.

That doesn’t mean you should change every time you work out. Your body responds to certain exercises that you perform to achieve a flat belly or some muscle tone in the arms.

But doing the same routine each time can become boring and increase your chances of giving up the fight. Assess your routine every four to six weeks to determine if you’ve reached a plateau and need to shake it up a bit by introducing some new routines.

If your present exercise routine has stopped working as it should or isn’t as challenging anymore, take a look at what you’re currently doing. Or your goals may have changed over time and you need to add some routines that address your new goals.

Another reason to change your workout regimen is if you’re so bored with what you’re doing that you’re in danger of giving up. You need to keep your motivation high and be interested in the exercises you’ve chosen.

When and if you do decide you should make changes in your routine, go about it sensibly. If you need to continue to work on your abs, find another exercise that interests you to see how it works.

Replacing an exercise with an exercise similar (but not exactly the same) to what you’re doing may be just the decision needed to relieve the boredom and keep your interest. Approach changing your routine as you would changing your diet. Keep what works and change or discard the rest.

When you begin to exercise, your motivation is usually high to perform and enjoy the results you gain. Exercise may not be your idea of a good time, but when it produces the results you desire, you become enthused about it.

You begin to feel better, look better and actually see results from the exercise routine you so carefully planned. But your enthusiasm may begin to wane when the novelty wears off and something occurs in your life that sets you back.

It could be a trip, a new work schedule or simply a busy schedule that causes you to miss exercise. If this sort of thing happens often, consider rethinking your routine to exercises that can be worked in to your new schedule.

For example, rather than walking around the neighborhood, consider getting a treadmill so you can walk when you can make time. Or perhaps you could switch your workout time from mornings to evenings and see how that works.

Why not change your workouts from day to day? For example, one day you could do an intensive cardio workout and the next, get in some strength training. Not only will it keep you from being bored, but it will be good for all areas of your body.

It may be time to look at your exercise routine for change if you’re looking at the clock during the entire workout, counting the minutes until you can leave. You might try a video (if available) or some music to distract your mind

Another idea to transform your workout from boring to enthusiastic is to engage a partner to work out with or compete against. If you usually work out in a gym, try exercising in the great outdoors – or work out at another gym.

Try exercises that will put you with people. For example, kayaking might be a diversion from your usual type of exercise and you’ll be able to socialize with others. Jazz it up by thinking outside the box of your usual workout routine.

Gaming while exercising has become a new way of looking at how you work out. Apps such as Teemo take you on an adventurous trip while you’re exercising. For example, you might be challenged to climb Mount Everest or plow through the desert.

You’ll receive a list of specific workouts and you can choose to do them any time and anywhere. Feedback will tell you how far along you are on your big adventure – and when you win at the end of the game, you’ll be motivated to do more.

If you’re a runner, you’ll want to check out the Google program, Ingress. You’ll travel around your city in real time, find landmarks and even interact in the special portals. It’s fun and interesting and should keep you motivated for quite awhile.

Getting fit and healthy is the object of exercise, but it doesn’t have to be boring and stagnant. Research what’s available and affordable for you and try a few new methods to keep you on track.


Reaching and Maintaining Your Optimal Weight


Each New Year inspires many of us to focus on losing weight. The year 2017 will be no different – except for the fact that scientists are finding out more about what can help us reach and maintain the optimal weight for our individual body types.

Maintaining an ideal weight is different for everyone. Some want to become healthier while others want to look good in trendy clothes. Since there’s no perfect regimen that fits everyone when it comes to reaching and maintaining the perfect weight and size, it’s imperative that we consider all of the factors in your body type and lifestyle.

For example, you may need to perfect a diet plan and exercise regimen that you can live with for the long term before you jump into what’s trending. If you don’t find a plan you can stick to, you won’t be able to maintain success.

You need to understand various ways of pinpointing exactly what it is that will help you overcome a defeatist mindset when it comes to losing weight. Find new ways to think about your weight and implement a plan for the New Year that won’t leave you frustrated and back to square one by the middle of the year.


Weight Loss Is More Than Just Aesthetics



Sure, it’s great to think about looking in the mirror and seeing the newer, slimmer you. But it’s not always about looking good in a new pair of jeans. The bigger picture includes your long term health and how those extra pounds affect your body.

Simply gaining a better understanding about how obesity can ruin your health should be a major incentive in helping you reach your weight loss goals. Major health problems such as heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes and even depression can occur when you’re overweight or obese.

The good news is that when you lose the weight in a healthy manner, you can greatly reduce the risks of developing these devastating problems. Your weight and your health combine to create catalysts for either a healthy – or an ailing – life.

It may cause you to abandon all hopes for future success – or to look at the future with a positive, can-do attitude. Those with weight issues are far more likely to develop depression or experience negative impacts on their lives, which keep them from achieving what they’re mentally capable of.

Your BMI (Body Mass Index) is a determination of your body fat in relation to your height and weight. It’s a sobering fact that the higher your BMI tests, the more likely you are to develop a devastating disease.

Excess weight can affect all areas of the body – including neurological problems such as headaches, vision loss and stroke – plus depression and eating disorders. You may also develop respiratory problems such as asthma and pulmonary hypertension.

In the Gastrointestinal area of your body, reflux disease, gallstones, colon cancer and fatty liver disease may develop. Within the urological region of the body, excess weight may lead to diabetes and diabetic kidney disease and the pancreas may develop pancreatitis or cancer.

The circulatory system of the body may run into such issues as hypertension, high cholesterol and blood clots, while also causing back issues and joint problems. In women, excess weight can cause issues with reproduction, while men may develop prostate problems or erectile dysfunction.

It’s alarming to realize that excess weight can cause all of the above problems, but knowing what you’re up against can also be a catalyst toward losing the weight and developing healthier eating habits.

Depression is another result that people who are overweight often experience. Some become socially isolated and others may drown their sorrows by eating more or developing eating disorders.

This condition can lead you into a downward spiral of negative mental mindset and alterations in your brain chemistry. You may also see levels of cortisol (stress hormone) increase, leading to fat accumulation in the stomach area.

Resorting to medications to help with depression from being overweight often exacerbates the problem by causing more weight gain. Even a seemingly simple condition such as snoring loudly (sleep apnea) can result in sleepiness during daytime hours and increase your chances of heart attacks and strokes.

One of the most devastating problems that can occur with obesity is diabetes. Those who have a family history of diabetes should be extra careful about weight gain. Health care providers have even come up with a term for diabetes and weight gain called diabesity.

If a high blood sugar level remains uncontrolled, you may also develop kidney failure and blindness – or the necessary amputation of limbs. Diabetes is a major health problem resulting in obesity and claims a huge number of lives each year.

A shorter lifespan is another result of being overweight. When moving around becomes a problem other issues set in and health declines. The fact is that excess weight can not only ruin your health, but also cut years off your lifespan.

Rather than thinking of the aesthetics of losing weight, think about the issues that can occur if you don’t lose those extra pounds. Make a plan now to lose the weight that’s been keeping you from living the life you’re meant to live.


Optimal Weight Is Not One Size Fits All


Unfortunately, we all have to march to the tune of a different drummer when trying to lose weight. There’s not a one-size-fits-all plan to adjust your weight to your best and healthy level.

Your body and how it reacts to food and other stimuli is different from everyone else’s – just as your genealogical makeup is different from others. But if you begin by assessing your BMI health and stop focusing on the number on the scale, you’ll achieve your weight and health goals much easier – and faster.

A BMI test is easy, painless and you’ll be able to tell a great deal about your body – plus make a goal-oriented plan to lose those excess pounds. Sometimes referred to as the Quetelet index, BMI is the result of knowing the weight (mass) and height of a person.

The actual BMI is derived from the body mass divided by the body height, which results in a BMI. There are also tables and charts which can fairly accurately let you know how much tissue mass – determined by fat, muscle and bone – you have on your body.

Too much body fat can be an indicator of how prone you are to related diseases. The BMI test is an inexpensive, non-invasive method to screen yourself for your weight category.

The test doesn’t technically measure body fat, but it does give a fair indication of how your body fat may be a precursor to some metabolic diseases associated with obesity. It’s best used as a screening tool rather than a diagnostic determination of your weight.

If you think you might have a higher than normal BMI, a healthcare provider can assess the rest of your indicators. They may use diet evaluation, skinfold thickness, amount of daily physical activity, genetic background and other methods to determine if you’re at risk for BMI-related illnesses.

Some ways to reach your optimal weight by paying attention to your BMI are to eat healthier foods, concentrate on performing some physical activity each day and change the bad habits that contribute to weight gain.

It doesn’t take trendy diets or starving yourself to become healthier and reach and maintain a healthy weight goal. Eventually, the habits you change and the way you live your life will become easier and part of a routine which will improve your weight and health.

Another way to set weight loss goals that will help you reach a healthy BMI is to concentrate on losing five or ten percent of your present weight over a time span of six months. That loss alone will greatly lower your risk for heart disease and other health issues associated with obesity.

Also, it’s easier to reach that goal and maintain it rather than losing a great deal of weight all at once. When you’ve lost a small percentage of weight and have maintained it for a few months, you’ll be better able to lose additional weight.

A balance of healthy diet and physical activity will also help you maintain optimal weight. It’s easy to understand that if you’re eating the same amount of calories and expending the same amount of energy each day – your weight will remain the same.

When you change that dynamic to eating fewer calories and expending more energy, you’ll lose weight. If you eat the same or more calories and expend less energy, you’re bound to gain weight.

Rather than concentrating on the latest diet trend to help you lose and maintain weight loss, emphasize a healthy diet regime. One that features fruits, veggies and low fat dairy products can help you lose weight much faster and healthier than one that starves you or doesn’t provide enough vitamins and minerals.

Physical activity is another way to get your weight under control and also improve your health by lowering your risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes and giving you more energy to meet daily challenges.

Keep your BMI in mind when embarking on a plan to become healthier and lose weight. If your BMI is where it should be, you can relax and keep doing what is keeping you successful at maintaining a healthy and active body.


Pinpoint the Problems with Your Weight


Perhaps you don’t move your body enough – or binge eat high calorie foods. Those and other lifestyle issues can wreak havoc with maintaining a healthy weight. Your ideal weight may have been out of reach your entire life and you’ve never been able to figure out exactly why.

Before setting goals to lose and maintain your optimal weight, you should attempt to find out what’s been keeping you from achieving it before. Two things to ask yourself are, “Do I exercise on a regular basis?” and “Do I live basically on a healthy diet?”

Be brutally honest with yourself when asking these questions. Among other things to consider in the beginning are whether or not you have trouble sleeping. Sleep has a major connection with obesity. When you don’t sleep well at night, you’re not able to function at your best during the day.

Perhaps a medical condition such as a thyroid problem or diabetes is keeping you from achieving your ideal weight. But what if you do stick to a healthy diet plan and exercise and you’re still not losing weight.

Then, there are other possible problems you need to assess to find the reasons why you keep the weight on. Could you be consuming hidden calories? It’s so easy to pile on the calories (and pounds) without ever realizing you’re doing it.

For example, drinking wine in the evening or that little donut at work first thing in the morning seems harmless, but that, along with sodas (even diet sodas can trigger your appetite for more) and other snacks can increase your caloric intake and put on the pounds.

Do you normally eat more when stressed? Sometimes our motivation to watch calories and eat healthy wanes and you could find yourself eating mindlessly when you’re under a lot of pressure at work or during stressful times in your life.

You wouldn’t think a little thing such as changing the size and color of the dishes you’re eating from could reduce your calories – but it’s true. Research has proven that when you reduce the size of your plate, you’ll eat smaller portions, but if you put a small amount of food on a large plate, you’ll feel deprived.

Mindful eating is also a huge advance in understanding how and why we eat too much. Habits you may have formed in childhood may still ride your coattails and cause you to eat when you’re not even thinking about what you’re doing.

For awhile, it might be helpful for you to record every morsel you put in your mouth to eat or drink. Online food diaries are available and can help you organize and record what you eat and you’ll soon see if mindful eating is a problem you need to work on.

Sleep deprivation also has a great deal more to do with your weight than simply being tired the next day. You may be unable to make healthy choices during the daylight hours and your metabolism will also slow, making it difficult to burn the calories you consume.

A recent psychological research plan revealed that lack of sleep can increase the desire for higher calorie foods. Your body senses the need for a pick-me-up and wants you to reach for the sugar or high carbs for energy. Consider sleep deprivation when assessing the lifestyle habits that may affect your weight.

Do you know the status of your current health?

If you haven’t had a medical exam lately, you may want to make an appointment – especially if you’re exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet.

One medical condition that can contribute to weight gain is depression. Feelings and emotions can play a huge role in your weight issues and your motivation to lose weight. And as if that isn’t enough, prescription antidepressants can cause you to gain more weight. Be sure you’re drinking enough water – especially if you’re taking medications that can impact your weight.

It’s a vicious circle that you don’t want to get into unless you have to. Other medications can also play a role in weight gain. The birth control pill and other hormonal therapies may also have an impact on your weight.

Medications such as those for heartburn relief, antihistamines for allergies, steroids and beta blockers are culprits in weight gain and should be avoided if possible. It seems that treatments for certain medical conditions can be your worst enemy if you’re trying to lose weight.


Choose a Diet Plan That Won’t Make You Quit


After a complete assessment of why you may have difficulty losing weight, it’s time to choose a diet plan that you can live with. Choosing a plan that’s right for your problems and lifestyle is important for long term maintenance.

Choose a plan that won’t leave you feeling deprived. If you live on a high carbohydrate diet now, you’ll feel out of sync and deprived if you suddenly switch to a high-protein diet plan to live by.

The sheer number of diet and weight loss plans is enough to intimidate even the most motivated person, so you’ll need to evaluate a few before choosing one that’s perfect for you and your lifestyle.

Shun the gimmicks to lose weight. They exist everywhere you look – websites, magazines, bestselling books and more – but the advice they offer can cause even more problems.

Each trendy plan claims to have found the secret to losing weight with one gimmick or another. Some may eliminate carbs or fats and others may claim to know all about superfoods or supplements that will magically bring you to your desired weight – and with no or little effort.

One of the best ways to choose the correct diet plan for yourself is to consult with your physician. She can assess your past medical conditions and the medications you may be taking and then guide you to a plan that’s just right for you.

If you have physical problems that prevent you from certain exercises, your physician can help you with that too. Be sure and discuss your previous diets with your doctor – especially if you’ve been yo-yo dieting or have been on a highly restrictive diet plan for awhile.

Your lifestyle also plays a big part in the diet plan that you choose. For example, if you eat out in restaurants a great deal, you’ll need to learn how to choose from menus wisely and not be tempted to fall off the plan.

If you work in an office where everyone brings snacks and baked goods to munch on, you’ll need to consider that factor and how to handle the temptations. Finding a balanced plan you can live with is key to weight loss success.

Think about diet plans you’ve chosen in the past and assess what you liked or didn’t like about them. Do you prefer to diet alone or join a group of dieters for support? Also, consider your budget when planning a weight loss diet plan.

Some clinics, supplements and pre-packaged meals can be quite expensive and could be prohibitive in the long run. Most diet plans require a long-term commitment that can break the budget if the expense is too high.

There are so many weight loss plans available that it can be overwhelming to sort through. Some include detox, mindful eating, low carbohydrate, watching calories and point systems. All have been successful for certain people, but many aren’t suitable for you.

Again, consider your lifestyle, medical conditions and likes and dislikes before deciding on the best plan for you. Some plans are flexible and nutritionally balanced while others may emphasize quick loss by deprivation or changing your eating patterns overnight.

Most people do best on a plan that doesn’t make them feel deprived, but that can work for them on a permanent basis. Fad diets such as detox, grapefruit and raw foods affect the glycemic index and aren’t nutritionally balanced.

You may lose weight at first, but when you begin eating normally again, you’ll put the weight back on – with more pounds to boot. High protein and low carbohydrate diets are very inflexible and limit your intake of certain foods. These types of diet plans aren’t usually sustainable for the long term.

If you’re a big meat eater, choosing a vegetarian diet plan isn’t the right one for you. And, if you’re a vegetarian, a high-protein diet plan won’t last very long. Take time to choose the correct plan before jumping into one that will make you frustrated and cause you to gain even more weight.


Tips on Sticking to a Diet and Maintaining Your Weight

Mindset makes all the difference when following through with a diet plan and maintaining your ideal weight for the long run. When you choose a particular diet plan that could be restrictive to your lifestyle, you could risk failure and disappointment – including extra weight gain.

Keep in mind that diets that are going to be difficult for you to stick to may also be unhealthy. You also risk the feeling of being , which leads to food cravings you may not be able to resist.

After indulging your desires for food because you feel deprived, you likely will consider giving up on losing weight. Most diet plans aren’t conducive to permanent weight loss or healthy changes in your lifestyle.

Considering that, you should make permanent changes to your habits in regards to eating and exercise habits. You should work long and hard to discover a weight loss plan that you can manage for the rest of your life.

You want to take into consideration that there will be times when you indulge in cravings and influences. That’s just a fact of life and you need to be able to bounce back from indulgences and get back on track.

That’s the key to successful weight loss – keeping on track, even after you’ve strayed. Your mindset has a great deal to do with how successful you’ll be in sticking to a weight loss plan for the long term.

Mindful eating techniques should be combined with other influences to lead you to your optimal and most desired weight. Weight loss isn’t just a few weeks or months of diligent healthy eating – it’s the continued watchfulness about what it will take to realize your weight loss goals.

While it may be tempting to latch on to a trendy plan that promises rapid weight loss results, your best bet is to follow a slow and determined weight loss plan for permanent success.

A long-term commitment is necessary to make permanent changes in your eating lifestyle. You should strive to stick to the plan, but be flexible when your lifestyle dictates indulgence from time to time.

Also, strive to find a diet plan where the required food substances are easily found in your local store. If you have to mail order or travel to stores you don’t usually shop at, you could rapidly lost interest in the pursuit of your weight loss goals.

You should also like the diet you choose. If it becomes boring or you feel that it’s too restrictive, you’re likely not going to stick to it. Food items on the diet plan should be readily available at all times and during all seasons.

Be sure to include an exercise program in your weight loss plan. It’s an important factor in reaching and maintaining your weight loss goals. It’s also a known fact that those who include exercise are better able to maintain weight loss.