Home Cardio Workouts

4 At Home Cardio Workouts

The best cardio workouts that you can do at home are the ones that do not require special exercise equipment.

People often think that you need an elliptical machine, treadmill, or stationary bike to get a decent aerobic workout at home.  Oftentimes you will use more energy and burn more calories with body weight exercises.  Here are some low-impact and high-impact exercises for all levels of exercisers, from beginners to advanced.

1. Walking or Running

Most people will agree that walking and running are some of the best cardio exercises at home.  Walking is an excellent way for beginners to start a fitness routine.  If your body is in poor shape, start by walking for 10 minutes everyday.  Gradually increase the time until you are able to walk non-stop for at least half an hour.  You can increase the intensity of your cardio workout at home by jogging or running.

2. Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is a fun way to get a good cardio workout at home.  It’s a challenging, full-body workout that improves balance, coordination and endurance.  Fifteen minutes of jumping rope is often enough to get your heart pumping faster.  Try to jump rope for a total of 30 to 60 minutes, with rest periods every 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Plyometrics

Plyometric exercises consist of explosive movements that require a lot of effort and energy.  Some of the best exercises include jumping jacks, high knees, and squat-thrust jumps.  These high-intensity exercises should be done for 15 to 20 minutes to get the full benefits of a cardio workout.

4. Froggy Jumps

Froggy jumps are similar to jumping jacks.  They will improve your cardiovascular endurance and increase the power of your lower body.  One minute of froggy jumps can be combined with another cardio exercise to add intensity to your workout.

To perform froggy jumps, start by squatting all the way down on the floor.  Put your hands on the floor in front of you.
Push up from the floor in one explosive movement and jump up in the air as high as you can.  Tap your heels together as you jump and raise your hands up or place them behind your head.

Bend your knees when you land to cushion the impact and protect your joints.  Go back to the squat position and prepare to make another jump.  Repeat 10 to 20 times.

How to Begin Cardio Workouts at Home

Everyone knows the importance of cardio exercise for a healthy heart.

The best way to begin a cardio workout at home is to choose an exercise that you enjoy and can do easily.  Most people find that walking is the best aerobic exercise for them.  It does not require special exercise equipment and can be done almost anywhere.

Cardio workouts at home should begin with 5 to 10 minutes of light cardio to warm up and slowly increase your heart rate.  To avoid injury, workout at your own pace.  You should not feel too much discomfort while working out.  You may be able to exercise for only a few minutes initially but if you are consistent with your workout your endurance will slowly increase.

Gradually increase your workout time until you are able to do cardio workouts continually for 30 minutes per session.  As your fitness level improves, try adding more challenging exercises to your cardio workouts at home.