Self Care For Stay At Home Parents

Self-Care Strategies and Tips for Stay at Home Parents

Parenting is hard. Full stop. Actually, it’s an understatement. So, when you suddenly find yourself at home with your children for an extended period due to an unexpected job loss or a mandatory community quarantine, it can be even more challenging. At times like this, there is one thing you must not overlook – self-care.

Self-care is essential to keep your sanity, to help you remain (or become) a happy parent, and so you can do your best to care for your children and show them how much you love them. Otherwise, staying at home with your children could be so chaotic and stressful that you’d wish you could be anywhere else.

Here are some ideas you can use to give yourself some TLC while staying at home with your precious but often demanding children.

” Stick To a Routine

Usually, what stresses you out when you suddenly find yourself stuck at home is the disruption to your routine. That’s why it is important to create a new routine at home, which will give you a feeling that everything is under your control. Plan a morning and evening routine that you should stick to every day.

Having a schedule to follow will also help your children because it’s good for them to know what’s going to happen next. Additionally, you all know how your day will be spent, so it reduces the anxiety that comes from facing uncertainties.

” Bond With Your Children

You don’t need to over-complicate things. Sure, your children can be a handful at times. It can be extra challenging to deal with their tantrums now that you’re always at home with them. Turn this challenge into something positive by taking advantage of the amount of time you can spend bonding with them.

If you’ve been a working parent for a long time, the chances are that you haven’t been able to be with your children as much as you would have liked. Now is your chance to make up for it. When you are able to show your children how much you love them, it makes you feel good as well.

” Get Enough Rest

Now that you have plenty of time at home, you’ll realize that it’s not all about watching Netflix and letting your kids do their things. You’ve probably figured out by now that there’s a ton of house chores to do, a lot of cooking, and a lot of telling off your children to keep their voices down or to stop fighting with each other.

It can be exhausting! So, don’t forget to get enough rest too. Make sure that you’re getting enough sleep. When the children are in bed, don’t let your ‘me-time’ use up all the time you should be sleeping yourself. Sleep not only enables your body to repair, but it also boosts your emotional well-being.

” Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

While you’re in the middle of dealing with a crisis, it is normal to feel anxious and stressed. Sometimes you might snap at your children, especially when it’s too difficult to hide your emotions. Even so, don’t be too hard on yourself.

When you’ve unnecessarily passed on your stress to your kids, give them a hug, say you’re sorry for raising your voice, and explain to them what’s happening as much as you can. Don’t underestimate their ability to understand you. More so, don’t beat yourself up.

” Ask For Help

It can feel overwhelming when you’re doing everything yourself. Before you drown in stress, ask for help, especially from your spouse. You are partners in everything, so it is pretty much okay to share the burden that you’re going through.

If your spouse understands, you shouldn’t even have to ask twice. They’ll hopefully know how to make things lighter for you, so you can keep your sanity while staying at home.

Getting plucked out of your regular routine can be stressful, especially when you also find yourself staying at home longer than normal. That’s why self-care is crucial to help you get through the challenges and still be the happy, loving parent that your children deserve.

Follow the suggestions above, and hopefully, you’ll have a fun, memorable stay-at-home time with your family.