Exercise Ideas When You Are Over 50 The intent of the following discussion is to give you some exercise ideas when you are over 50. The fact that you have reached age 50 is not an excuse to give up on getting fit and staying healthy with exercise. The following tips on exercise ideas for…
10 Reasons To Decrease Sugar From Diet
10 Reasons to Decrease Sugar from Diet It has been several years, since we were told to decrease the salt in our diets. Then, we were told to cut back on sugar because researchers linked it to obesity, type-2 diabetes and many complications related to these disorders. In 2016, the general advice is to drop…
Target Heart Rate- Why You Should Know It
The Target Heart Rate Controversy It’s always funny when there is controversy in working out, you’d think that if something is healthy for you and gets you moving there would be no way that anyone could think badly about it. But like with food, people have different opinions on what is best for the body…