Journaling When Isolated

Isolation is the Time for Journaling

As people spend more time in isolation or while quarantined, it is the ideal time to self-
reflect with things like a journal. Journaling might have been something you always
thought of doing but never had the time or motivation, so why not take advantage and
start your journal right now?

You Have More Time to Yourself

When you are in isolation or having to spend more time at home, you probably have
more time to yourself than you typically would. Maybe you work outside the home, so
during this time you find that you have more space to fill up with other things. Even if
you don’t live alone, you probably have periods of time at home where you are alone,
but before your life was so busy outside the home, that you didn’t have much time.

It is a great time to take advantage and get some journaling done. Remember that it
only requires a few minutes a day, which you can definitely find time for.

You Can Self-Reflect While in a Different Environment

Another reason this is a good time for journaling is because your schedule and
environment is likely much different than it was before. Your schedule and habits are
different, you have a new routine, and it can feel like you are out of sorts. This might
seem like a bad thing, but it gives you a new experience. A new way to look at life and
your priorities and really look inward.

You are able to do more self-reflecting when you aren’t on autopilot, as your life right
now is probably vastly different than it was before you had to quarantine at home.

Journaling Will Help Keep You Sane

Being in isolation or alone for long periods of time can be really hard on your mental
health. Much more so than you might have imagined. Even for people who were already
working from home and have more introverted personalities can find that their stress is
heightened when their routine is disrupted so much and they can’t get any type of
physical contact with other people.

With journaling, it can help you to de-stress, identify what causes panic or anxiety, and
really help to improve your mental health during this time.

Tips for Starting a New Journal

If you are brand new to journaling, don’t worry! It is very easy to get started. Grab a
notebook, journal, or just any piece of paper and a pen. That’s all you need. It can
sometimes be hard to start your first page, so here are a few ways to get started the
very first time you write in a journal:

Dear Diary. Write in your journal as if you are writing in a diary. Like you are telling
someone a story about your life, how your day is going, or how you’re feeling.

Use a Journaling Prompt. There are also some great journaling prompts, which give
you one subject to write about, which often helps you get started with writing.

Set a Timer. This is going to require you to do more stream of consciousness
journaling, which is when you write about whatever comes to your mind. There are no
designated topics – you just write with the flow of your thoughts until the timer goes off.