Better Heart Health With 6 Simple Tips Better heart health does not happen over night or without some effort. If you strive for better heart health, and we all should, there are some decisions you can make to get you started on the path to better heart health and decrease your risk of heart attacks,…
Tag: stress management
How To Manage Stress
How To Manage Stress By Keeping Your Stress Levels In Check Why do we need to manage our stress levels? The following are some of the complications that can occur when you fail to properly manage your stress levels: … a weak immune system (trouble fighting infection) … heart problems (myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease)…
Stress Management Using Alternative Medicine
Stress Management Using Alternative Medicine In today’s day and age, society is typically centered on “busy.” There is this unspoken concept that the busier you are, the more successful you will be or are. However, the busier you are the more stressed out you are bound to be as well. Stress wreaks havoc on the…