Osteopathic Treatment for Sleep Disorders Osteopathic medicine is a system of healthcare practice that focuses on the entire patient from nutrition and emotional stressors, to their spiritual life and musculoskeletal system. The theory in osteopathic medicine is that the whole person affects the person’s health. Everything is considered to be interdependent and the musculoskeletal system…
Tag: sleep disorders
Are There Any Health Consequences Of Poor Sleep
The Health Consequences Of Poor Sleep At one time or another in our lives, we’ve all experienced the frustration associated with a poor night’s sleep. The restless nights when counting sheep become as endless as counting stars. Likely, the next day was met with numerous cups of coffee and yawns. Imagine experiencing that zombie-like feeling…
Dealing With Insomnia Naturally
10 Natural Ways To Deal With Insomnia Almost all of us suffer from insomnia at some point in time. Insomnia can be transient and related to everyday stressors. It can also become chronic, so that nearly every night you have problems getting to sleep or staying asleep throughout the night. 6 to 10% of the…