Does Your Body Image Affect Your Health

The Pitfalls of Comparing Yourself to Others

It’s natural to compare yourself to others. Humans naturally look around them for acceptance and guidance. If you didn’t compare yourself to others, you might not know how to behave or what to aspire to. For example, children model the behavior that they see in the adults in their life and in their peers. Role models give us an example of what we want for our lives. Yet comparing yourself too much to others can cause problems.

There Are Always People Who Are Better Than You

It’s an undeniable fact that there are people who are smarter, more artistic, wealthier, and in better shape than you. Conversely, there are people who pale in comparison to you. However, if you get into the habit of constantly comparing yourself to others, the natural tendency is to focus on those who are better than us. This leaves you feeling bad about yourself.

Stop comparing. Who cares about the people that are better or worse than you? It has absolutely no impact on who you are, what you look like, and what you’re capable of.

Resentment Sets In

If you’re in the habit of comparing yourself to others, and feeling badly about the comparison, it’s a common tendency to resent the person you’re comparing yourself to. That’s unfair to them and it’s not a positive mindset for you. Living in a world of negative body image, resentment, and jealousy can consume you. It can eat away at your relationships, your personal success, and your satisfaction with yourself and your life.

Instead of resenting people that you compare yourself to, try appreciating their strengths and assets. If you see a person, for example, that has a body that you wish you had, try saying “good for her or him”.

It Doesn’t Get You Anywhere

Nothing is accomplished when you compare yourself to others on a regular basis. It doesn’t help you. You don’t suddenly have the nose you always wanted and you don’t lose weight by comparing yourself. It sets you up not only for a negative view of your body but also for a lifetime of unhappiness. It’s unproductive.

However, when you take a look at what you like about your body and you start taking steps to appreciate your body, that is productive and positive. For example, buy a piece of clothing that flatters you. Get a massage or take a yoga class. Start eating more vegetables and drinking fewer sugary drinks. When you stop comparing yourself to others and begin to take action to take better care of yourself, your body image improves and you begin to live a more positive and productive life.
Three Steps to a Better Body Image
A positive body image is an important element of a satisfying and rewarding life. Your body image impacts your self-esteem. It affects how you relate to other people and the risks that you take. If you feel bad about how you look, it’s time to take some steps to improve your body image. You are a beautiful person and it’s time you believed that.

1. Take One Small Step to Take Care of Your Body

This isn’t about losing weight or starting an exercise program. This is about beginning to take steps to appreciate your body. Find one small thing that you can do to make yourself feel good in your own skin and proud of your body. Maybe you begin drinking water instead of soda. Maybe you take five minutes each morning to stretch.

Or perhaps you go to the doctor for a physical or you get a massage. Whatever you choose, make it something that is easy for you to do and makes you feel connected to your body. When you start taking better care of your body, you begin to learn to appreciate it. One small step can lead to a larger lifestyle change and a positive body image.

2. Surround Yourself with Positive Support

Body image messages come from the people in your life and the media that you consume. If your friends and family are critical of you, of themselves, and of others then it can rub off on you. You may compare yourself to others more often than is healthy. You might take what’s said personally.

And if you watch television and read magazines, then you’re inundated with unrealistic body images. Consider choosing media and people that support a positive body image. Find role models and start taking steps to focus on the positive rather than the negative.

3. Choose Clothing That Flatters You

You undoubtedly have features that are attractive. If the clothing you choose doesn’t fit well or doesn’t enhance your best assets, you may feel negative about your body. Find clothing that that is flattering and makes you feel attractive and proud.
For example, if you have a lovely neckline then wear V-neck shirts and blouses. Draw attention to your best physical assets. If you have stunning blue eyes then wear clothing that brings out the color in your eyes. Shopping to find clothing that is flattering can be exhausting but it’s worth the effort. Make the clothing you buy work for you.

These are just a few of the tips you can embrace to begin developing a better body image. Each step you take to feel better and more realistic about how you look is an important one. Choose one of these tips and get started today.

How to Transform the Way You Feel about Your Body
The way you feel about your body impacts your daily life. Your body image and comfort level affects your relationships, the risks you’re willing to take in life and your overall satisfaction. The good news is that you can take control over your mindset and transform the way you feel about your body. Here’s how.

1. Wear Clothing That Makes You Feel Great

Sometimes when people feel badly about their body, they try to hide it. This isn’t a positive way to start your day. Instead, identify a physical asset that you like and find clothing that flatters that asset. For example, if you have a curvy figure then a belt around your waist highlights your curves. If you have great calves then you might enjoy wearing heels and skirts that showcase your legs.

2. Keep a Gratitude Journal about Your Body

Instead of focusing on your flaws, start a practice that helps you focus on your many beautiful assets. Every morning and every night, list three things that you’re grateful for about your body.

For example, maybe you fell off a curb today and didn’t twist an ankle because your tendons and ligaments are healthy and strong. Maybe you love that your hands are able to throw a ball and your eyes are able to see your loved ones. There are so many things that your body does for you; simply realizing these on a daily basis can change your life.

3. Do Something Good for Your Body

Take care of your body. Drink more water. Buy a nice lotion and start taking better care of your skin. Get a massage, take a yoga class, or go play Frisbee in the park. Find something fun that is good for you.

4. Find an Affirmation that Fits Your Needs

Affirmations are positive statements that help you overcome negative thoughts. For example, if you often think, “I’m so fat, I hate my thighs,” you might change the thought to “I am perfect and complete just the way I am.”

5. Don’t Engage in Negative Talk about Yourself or Others

Sometimes we get caught up in conversations with friends or family where we say things like, “You have such great legs. I hate my legs. They’re too flabby.” Or we start taking about the physical attributes of others in a negative way. This type of negative speak doesn’t help you or anyone else. In fact, it can have a detrimental effect on the people around you.

It’s not easy to change the way you think and feel – particularly if you’ve been trapped in a negative mindset and body image for a long time. However, it’s well worth the effort to begin to transform the way you feel about your body. Your life will change for the better.

 Three Steps to a Better Body Image

A positive body image is an important element of a satisfying and rewarding life. Your body image impacts your self-esteem. It affects how you relate to other people and the risks that you take. If you feel bad about how you look, it’s time to take some steps to improve your body image. You are a beautiful person and it’s time you believed that.

1. Take One Small Step to Take Care of Your Body

This isn’t about losing weight or starting an exercise program. This is about beginning to take steps to appreciate your body. Find one small thing that you can do to make yourself feel good in your own skin and proud of your body. Maybe you begin drinking water instead of soda. Maybe you take five minutes each morning to stretch.

Or perhaps you go to the doctor for a physical or you get a massage. Whatever you choose, make it something that is easy for you to do and makes you feel connected to your body. When you start taking better care of your body, you begin to learn to appreciate it. One small step can lead to a larger lifestyle change and a positive body image.

2. Surround Yourself with Positive Support

Body image messages come from the people in your life and the media that you consume. If your friends and family are critical of you, of themselves, and of others then it can rub off on you. You may compare yourself to others more often than is healthy. You might take what’s said personally.

And if you watch television and read magazines, then you’re inundated with unrealistic body images. Consider choosing media and people that support a positive body image. Find role models and start taking steps to focus on the positive rather than the negative.

3. Choose Clothing That Flatters You

You undoubtedly have features that are attractive. If the clothing you choose doesn’t fit well or doesn’t enhance your best assets, you may feel negative about your body. Find clothing that that is flattering and makes you feel attractive and proud.

For example, if you have a lovely neckline then wear V-neck shirts and blouses. Draw attention to your best physical assets. If you have stunning blue eyes then wear clothing that brings out the color in your eyes. Shopping to find clothing that is flattering can be exhausting but it’s worth the effort. Make the clothing you buy work for you.

These are just a few of the tips you can embrace to begin developing a better body image. Each step you take to feel better and more realistic about how you look is an important one. Choose one of these tips and get started today.