Become A Super Ager

Become a Super Ager

Disclaimer. 5

Introduction. 6

What Is A ‘Super Ager’?. 7

Two Types of Super-Agers – Cognitive and Physical 8

What Puts Someone In The ‘Super Ager’ Group?. 8

Who Can Be a Super-Ager?. 9

Super Agers Diet Tips For Healthy Joints and Bones. 11

Super Agers and Their Diet 12

Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. 12

Go Nuts! They’re Delicious and Good For You. 13

Dairy Foods – Good or Bad?. 13

Eat Fish and Boost Your Omega-3 Fatty Acids. 14

Don’t Forget Your Herbs and Spices. 14

Add Seeds to Your Meals. 14

Super Agers Fight Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Decline. 15

Aging and Cognitive Decline. 16

How Super Agers Fight Cognitive Decline. 16

Exercise The Brain. 17

Keep Moving. 17

Eat a Healthy Diet 17

Super Agers Keep Exercising. 18

Benefits of Exercise for Seniors. 19

Promotes Flexibility and Mobility. 19

Lowers Risk of Developing Illness. 19

Improves Sleep. 19

Boosts Mood. 20

Improves Cognitive Function. 20

Starting Exercise in Old Age. 20

Super Agers Maintain Flexibility. 21

How to Maintain Flexibility as You Age. 22

Stretching. 22

Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi 22

Dancing – Gentle or Aerobic Dancing. 23

Walking, Walking and More Walking. 23

Aquatic Exercises. 24

Massage. 24

Super Agers Have Strong Immune Systems. 25

Aging Effects on the Immune System.. 26

Ways to Strengthen Immunity, For Both Young and Old. 26

Eat A Healthy Diet 27

Exercising Regularly. 27

Minimizing Stress. 27

Vaccines. 28

Superfoods For Mental and Physical Health. 29

Superfoods For Improved Mental and Physical Health. 30

Super Eggs. 30

Fish – Excellent Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. 30

Fruits and Vegetables – The Colors of Goodness. 30

Beans and Lentils. 31

Whole Grains. 32

Nuts and Seeds. 32

Herbs and Spices. 32

Gut Health (Microbiome) and Super Agers. 33

Importance of a Healthy Gut Microbiome. 34

Digestion Problems Associated with Aging. 34

Super Agers and their Healthy Gut 35

Developing a Healthy Gut 35

Increasing Life Expectancy – Is 100 The New 75?. 37

Factors for Longevity. 38

Super Agers. 38

How to Increase Longevity. 39

Eat A Balanced Diet 39

Keep Moving. 39

Socialize. 39

Quit Bad Habits. 39

Sleep Better. 40

See Your Doctor For Health Screenings Regularly. 40

Age Is Just a Number – You’re As Old As You Feel 41

Think Young. 42

Developing a Young Mindset 43

Conclusion. 44





We hope you enjoy reading this publication, however, we do suggest you read our disclaimer.


All the material written in this document is provided for informational purposes only and is general in nature.


Every person is a unique individual and what has worked for some, or even many, may not work for you. Any information perceived as advice must be considered in light of your own particular set of circumstances.


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Every attempt has been made to provide well-researched and up-to-date content at the time of writing. Now all the legalities have been taken care of, please enjoy the content.






Human lifespans are increasing. Living longer is a universal desire. Holding onto life is wired into our DNA, plus, as sentient beings, we want to live longer to do more, and to experience the potentially wonderful offerings that life provides.


When we look at those around us we can see some people who seem to stand apart in their ability to grow older, yet resist the negative impacts of aging that others take as being a foregone conclusion.


These people are super-agers. Their minds are sharp and their emotions are balanced. They are a pleasure to be around as they revel in their autonomy and self-sufficiency.


Compared to their cohorts, they are physically more able to enjoy their lives, as they are more flexible and fit, and able to enjoy their days in pleasurable activities instead of pain and discomfort.


Long-term studies have shown that while factors such as our inherited genes play some role, the biggest factors that contribute to being a super-ager are lifestyle choices.


This means that becoming a super-ager is greatly within our control. Our choices, actions and behaviors have a huge impact on how long we live for and how much we get to enjoy those extra years.


This eBook will help you understand why, and more importantly how you can work toward becoming a super-ager.




What Is A ‘Super Ager’?



Aging is often associated with an array of negative side effects, including mental health problems such as memory loss, and a decline in physical health and mobility.


We all understand that our brain and physiological functions may decline as we age, and for many of us, we have accepted this as a fact of life.


However, there are some people who are well into their 80s and beyond who can show you that this is not necessarily your fate.

They are living testament that poor mental and physical health among folks their age can be avoided. They are the people who we can call ‘super-agers’.


Experts in the field of aging and memory loss have begun to use the term ‘super-agers’ when referring to people 80 years of age and older who display cognitive and physical attributes that are commonly found in people much younger.


Super-agers can physically and cognitively rival those who are years or even decades younger than themselves.


Two Types of Super-Agers – Cognitive and Physical


Cognitive super-agers are people who have better memory retention compared to their peers, in part because their brains have shown to have minimal cell loss. This explains why super-agers can retain and recall memories easier than other people of their own age.


Physical super-agers have physical attributes, particularly aerobic capacity, that are similar to people younger than they are. Aerobic capacity, or the amount of oxygen a person takes in and distributes throughout the tissues in their body per minute, determines the level of physical activities a person can perform.


The higher the aerobic capacity, the more high-intensity exercises a person can do. As a person ages, their lung capacity can be affected. If they stoop, for example, their lungs cannot expand as they once did when they stood straight and tall.


If you can take deep breaths, as super-agers can, you can be more physically active and able. Apart from athletic performance, a high aerobic capacity can help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and also dementia.


What Puts Someone In The ‘Super Ager’ Group?


While it seems that super-agers are the ‘lucky ones’, they were not born that way. These are the people who have developed their own super-ager traits through years of observing healthy habits.

They looked after themselves while they were young, and instead of abusing their mind and body, they developed them and cared for them. They would have been open to new mental challenges, which is important in maintaining healthy cognitive function, including attention span and memory.


Engaging in new activities that challenge mental capacity strengthens the brain while actively avoiding cell loss, which can lead to decreased brain function. New cognitive activities that challenge the brain can reduce plaque in the brain, which is consistent among people with dementia.


Physical super-agers are known to practice healthy physical activities, such as exercising in high intensity for 20 to 45 minutes a day. Regular exercise, especially cardiovascular exercise, increases aerobic capacity significantly.


Plus, other added benefits are that the frequent use of muscles through exercise prevents muscle atrophy and decreased mobility. The upshot is that super-agers have cultivated years of healthy mental and physical habits that have enabled them to be in tip-top shape despite their advanced years.


Who Can Be a Super-Ager?


Anyone can become a super ager, especially if you are young now! You can start by exercising your mind and body. Mental challenges, such as crossword puzzles, sudoku, and games that involve linguistic or mathematical abilities are easy and affordable ways to become more mentally agile.


Do whatever mentally stimulates you, such as reading or learning a new skill. Are you creative? You could try learning a new musical instrument or writing short stories or poetry. You could also draw or paint and further develop your creative mind.


To become a physical super-ager, start an exercise routine if you haven’t already started yet. You definitely need to get rid of the sedentary lifestyle and work on having a more active existence.



Your exercise routine doesn’t have to be one where you are dressed in a leotard, it can be a physical activity that you enjoy, such as dancing, walking, or playing a sport.


Whatever it is, gradually increase the intensity and duration of your exercise as you get more comfortable. That way, you are constantly challenging yourself as you improve your aerobic capacity.


Of course, aside from performing mental and physical activities, your habits have to be healthy ones, which means quitting the habits that will reduce your efforts toward becoming a super-ager.


Smoking is detrimental to your lungs and is linked to higher risks of life-threatening diseases, such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. You should also watch your diet to keep your heart healthy.


If you want to become a super-ager, it is never too late to start!










Super Agers Diet Tips For Healthy Joints and Bones



A decrease in mobility is one of the biggest tell-tale signs of aging. As we age, we start feeling aches and pains when we perform certain actions, compared to when we were younger. For example, you might have been able to jump off something and land with a bounce on your feet, whereas now, if you jump you land with a thud, and your whole body is jarred.


The types of things that didn’t cause pain before and now do are possibly caused by aging joints and bones. We experience many changes in our bodies as we age and our bones and joints are not immune from undergoing these changes as well.

Just like any object, our bones and joints can suffer from wear and tear caused by years of use and sometimes even abuse. This wear and tear can cause a host of health issues, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and general pain and weakness.


However, some people seem to defy the assumed natural processes of aging, and their bones and joints are still working well for them. These individuals are the ‘super-agers.’ While they are not precisely superhumans, if we are prepared to do as they do, perhaps we too can take care of our bones and joints better as we grow older.


Super Agers and Their Diet


Super-agers are those people aged 80 or older, who are certainly more agile and active, thanks to their healthy joints and bones. They don’t experience debilitating, degenerative diseases as much as their non-super-aging peers, such as arthritis, which could limit their mobility. So what is their secret?


While a person’s genetic makeup can play a role, the greater portion comes down to lifestyle. So many diseases today are related to lifestyle, and aging is no different. Sure, aging is not a disease, but if the body is not cared for, you can’t expect it to function well, or for as long! Therefore, as lifestyle incorporates diet, the food we eat is an essential factor in aging healthily.


Here are some super-ager diet tips for healthy joints and bones.


Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


A healthy diet would be incomplete (or non-existent) without fresh fruits and vegetables. However, some fruits and vegetables are a cut above the rest when it comes to bone and joint health. Blueberries and bananas are excellent for keeping your joints and bones healthy. Bananas are rich in magnesium.


This is an essential bone mineral on multiple levels. Calcium needs magnesium to form bones and teeth. Magnesium also plays a role in synthesizing vitamin D, which is also essential for strong bones.

A large portion of the population is deficient in magnesium, and the importance of this mineral to our diet cannot be overstated. Blueberries contain antioxidants that fight stress and, ultimately, premature aging of the cells. Fruits rich in vitamin C aid in the production of collagen, which is found in cartilage, tendon, and ligaments.


Vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, and red peppers are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals essential in keeping joints and bones strong. Ginger is specifically helpful in fighting osteoarthritis.


Go Nuts! They’re Delicious and Good For You


Nuts are healthy snacking options that are great for healthy joints and bones. You only need to eat a few, which makes them affordable, and they are readily available. Walnuts, almonds, and cashews, for example, are high sources of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which promote bone health. Nuts can also fight inflammation in the joints. So as our little heading mentioned, go nuts and enjoy!


Dairy Foods – Good or Bad?


One of the big questions is should you drink milk? Milk is often promoted as being rich in calcium and a nutrient that is essential for keeping bones strong. However, many adults suffer from an intolerance to milk, and it can be the source of much gut and bowel irritation. Cultured dairy products such as cheeses and yogurt are much better tolerated by most people.


These foods are not only good sources of calcium but also contain other nutrients too. Our bodies can also assimilate calcium from leafy green vegetables much easier than they can from milk. No matter how your calcium is sourced in your diet make sure you eat plenty of magnesium-rich foods too.


Magnesium is essential in calcium absorption and helps the muscles relax. An excess of calcium without adequate magnesium will be largely passed from the body, and what remains can contribute to the formation of kidney and bladder stones. People with low magnesium levels often experience muscle and joint pain.


Eat Fish and Boost Your Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Tuna, sardines, salmon, and trout contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, both of which are vital in improving joint and bone health. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help prevent inflammation of the joints.


Don’t Forget Your Herbs and Spices


Herbs and spices not only make your dishes more flavorful, but some of them can also help keep your bones and joints healthy. For example, turmeric has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent joint inflammation, and reduce joint pain, tenderness, and deterioration of the cartilage.


Dandelion is another great herb for boosting bone health because it contains calcium and boron. Boron also helps treat osteoarthritis and is an essential nutrient.


Add Seeds to Your Meals


Seeds, such as flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and sesame seeds are excellent sources of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, calcium, and protein. These minerals are essential in keeping your bones and joints strong and healthy.


The best part about adding seeds to your diet is their versatility. You can simply add them to many dishes. Some of them make a great go-to snack throughout the day. As you can see it’s not too difficult to work towards becoming a super-ager by eating a delicious, nutritious diet. Simply buy the good healthy foods and leave the processed foods in the store.


Our diet can help us delay and fight some of the negative aspects of growing old – such as joint and bone issues. Super-agers consider their diet one of the most critical factors for their longevity, and it’s one area of their life that they have the greatest control over. A healthy balanced diet is an effective part of living a long and healthy life.



Super Agers Fight Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Decline



Sadly, we have all seen senile senior citizens. After all, many senior-aged people become weaker, mentally and physically. Alternatively, when we see someone in their 80s or 90s, who is as sharp as a tack and quicker with their tongue than ourselves, we are shocked, but in a good way!


Wow, to be as alert as they are at their age! This person is a super-ager.


Super-agers possess cognitive abilities that are typically found in individuals decades younger than they are, and Alzheimer’s disease and dementia don’t pose such a huge risk for them at the age they now are.

Aging and Cognitive Decline


Our memory and ability to perform complex mental activities can diminish as we age. This cognitive decline can be attributed to the brain’s health changing and atrophy. Just as our muscles atrophy, so does our brain.


That means our brain shrinks in size. Aside from brain atrophy, levels of neurotransmitters also decline over time, which makes it more difficult to assimilate new information and recall details, which affects memory and cognition.


These negative changes in the brain increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. Combined with genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, the chances of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease increase as we age. While age itself is not the cause of Alzheimer’s, age-related brain atrophy can contribute to cognitive problems.


For years, scientists, doctors, and the general population have been fascinated with aging and how and why it happens, and how we can stop or reverse it. Wouldn’t we all love to stay young, or feel younger, while on this earth? Well, super-agers seem to defy many of the natural effects of growing old.


Of course, there have been many studies on brain health and aging, but we’re not going to look into the in-depth research on how and why a super-agers brain is better than someone else of their age. Know that it just is! It’s bigger, (yes bigger), healthier and stronger in many intricate ways.


This is why their brain is better at retaining information and complex mental functions. A super-ager’s brain is bigger because it shrinks at a much slower pace than cognitively ‘normal’ adults.


How Super Agers Fight Cognitive Decline


There can be several factors that help super-agers fight cognitive decline, however, their lifestyle choices play a vital role in keeping their brain sharp and super healthy.


Here are some ways to sharpen your brain as they do.


Exercise The Brain


One way to ensure our brain is in great shape is to exercise it. Like a muscle in the body, the brain becomes stronger the more we challenge it. We should look for new ways to stimulate the mind. For example, simple activities that promote critical thinking such as solving puzzles.


This can help engage the brain and prevent memory loss. You can also exercise your brain with friends. Socializing with people who share common interests as you is another way to challenge your brain.


Keep Moving


Exercising the body not only keeps you fit but also sharpens your brain. By exercising you are increasing your oxygen intake. The oxygenated blood flows to the brain too, keeping you mentally alert. Think about when you are tired and lethargic. You begin to yawn to get more air. You get sleepy and your body and brain begin to slump.


If you exercise, you are oxygenated and feel alive! The best form of exercise is something you enjoy. That way you will keep doing it. If you hate exercising, just make sure you get up and walk every single day. Enjoy the sun and the fresh air and ultimately a longer, healthier life.


Eat a Healthy Diet


Your diet determines your vitality. It is a healthy one, that’s great. If it’s not, it’s time to change it. Eating healthy foods and having healthy eating habits largely determine your physical and mental health. Your brain needs to be fed healthy brain foods!


Super-agers have seemed to find the answer to living a long healthy life. We should all watch and do what they do. Their sharp brain should be proof that they are doing something right. Is staying young all in the mind, or in daily habits too?


Super Agers Keep Exercising



When it comes to exercising, age is just a number. Everyone needs to exercise and that’s exactly what super-agers do. Unfortunately, many people feel that as they get older, exercising is not designed for them.


Health problems related to aging may also drive the point home to them that the elderly should not be engaging in certain physical activities.


However, super-agers are the people who continue to exercise and it can show us that regular physical exercise could be one of the big keys to their longevity.


Benefits of Exercise for Seniors


Regardless of age, exercise has a plethora of health benefits that anyone can enjoy. As we age, maintaining physical activity becomes even more crucial. Whether through workout routines or simply by seeking ways to increase physical activity naturally, here are some of the benefits super-agers receive through exercise.


Promotes Flexibility and Mobility


One of the main reasons seniors no longer exercise is that they feel they are stiffer and have no flexibility or mobility. However, exercise is the perfect way to build muscle and prevent atrophy, which can decrease mobility.


Plus, exercise can improve flexibility, balance, and coordination, and reduce the risk of accidents. Exercise, particularly strength training, can also help ease symptoms of degenerative conditions, such as arthritis.


Lowers Risk of Developing Illness


Regular physical exercise can help strengthen the body and lower the risk of illness. This is because exercise promotes better blood circulation, healthy blood pressure levels, lower blood sugar levels, and higher bone density.


This makes them less susceptible to developing chronic illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Regular exercise is also important in helping to strengthen the immune system.


Improves Sleep


Sleep is a vital component regardless of age. Everyone needs quality sleep to live a healthy, long life. However, the quality of our sleep tends to decrease as we age. Engaging in physical activities regularly can help improve sleep quality.


Exerting energy throughout the day can help to fall asleep faster. It can also allow for a night of deeper sleep, enabling the exertion of more energy the next day. That means more exercise for better health!


Boosts Mood


Aside from physical benefits, there are also mental or emotional health advantages to exercising regularly. Engaging in physical activities can boost your mood, as exercise increases the production of endorphins or your ‘happy hormones.’ It can also help reduce feelings of despair, isolation, and anxiety.


Improves Cognitive Function


One way to fight memory loss and cognitive decline is through exercise. Physical activities can help boost oxygen and blood flow to the brain, helping in various cognitive functions, such as creativity and recalling details.


Starting Exercise in Old Age


Being new to exercising can be intimidating for anyone, especially the elderly. However, increasing your physical activities doesn’t have to be difficult.

Here are some tips to get you started exercising so that you too can become a super-ager.


  • Start Slow – Avoid overly-strenuous exercises that can be difficult for beginners. Set goals that are realistic and work your way up.
  • Find The Right Exercise – Try different sporting activities, dancing, or simple activities such as walking and gardening. The key here is to keep moving throughout the day.
  • Exercise with Friends – Exercising with a group is one way to keep going. It helps to keep you motivated.
  • Enjoy Nature – Take advantage of the outdoors. Being outside in the fresh air and sunshine has many physical and mental health benefits. You don’t have to go hiking in the wilderness, you can go for a walk in a park or around your streets. Walking in the sunshine is possibly one of the best exercises you can do for the rest of your life.


Super-agers prove that exercising is not just for the young. Anyone, at any age, can start living an active lifestyle. All it takes is one step to commit to a long and healthy life.


Super Agers Maintain Flexibility



Losing flexibility is seen as a natural consequence of aging. Our flexibility tends to decrease as we age due to several factors.


An increase in stiffness of joints, loss of water in the tissues and spine, and reduced elasticity of the muscle tendons can all negatively impact our flexibility.


A decrease in flexibility can also result in less movement, which further compounds the problem. The less we move, the less we want to move.


Maintaining your flexibility is a huge benefit as being flexible makes performing daily tasks more manageable. It also decreases the risk of injuries, fractures, and muscle strains. It also helps our balance and improves our posture.


While it is common for the elderly to lose flexibility, some individuals simply refuse to be bogged down with the adverse effects of aging. They are the super-agers – the people aged 80 and above yet still in good health.


Super agers keep their minds sharp and their bodies healthy by living a healthy, active lifestyle. Many of them retain their physical strength, mobility, and flexibility through simple and achievable exercises that anyone, at any age, can do.


How to Maintain Flexibility as You Age




Stretching is one of the simplest ways to increase flexibility. Three types of stretching can aid in increasing flexibility among seniors.


The first is static stretching or holding our muscles in a particular position for a few seconds, usually 20 to 30 seconds, then proceeding to relaxing the muscles and performing the move about three to five times.


The second one is dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretches are movements that are done repeatedly for a few seconds. Dynamic stretching allows you to actively move your muscle and joints through repetitive movements, allowing the muscles to loosen gradually.


The third type is isometric stretching, similar to static stretching. The only difference between isometric stretching is that you gently contract and relax the muscles during a stretch.


Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi


Yoga is a full-body exercise that focuses on movements that can help strengthen joints and muscles.

Aside from the physical benefits of yoga, it can also help achieve balance emotionally, making it a great exercise option for the elderly.


Pilates is not that different. It also focuses on developing strength and flexibility through various poses like yoga. In addition, it incorporates light stretches and low-impact, repetitive movements that are proven to improve overall physical health.


Tai Chi is a gentle flowing exercise that can alleviate chronic pain and help achieve a more robust and flexible body. It can also help improve mobility and stability without exacerbating existing illnesses.


Tai Chi originated in China thousands of years ago and is a very popular form of exercise you may like to try. You’re not too old!


Dancing – Gentle or Aerobic Dancing


Dancing is another great exercise and it is one you can do gently or dynamically. There are several types of aerobic dance that can help you improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and let you have a great time doing it.


Zumba, ballroom dancing, and jazz are the more popular dance styles you can try.


Walking, Walking and More Walking


What is an easy and affordable way to keep moving? Walking. Walking is such an underrated physical exercise that many fail to see its many wonderful benefits. You can do it at any time of the day, anywhere you might want to.


There is no need for fancy gym memberships or any expensive equipment.


Anyone, regardless of their fitness levels, can perform this exercise. Walking can improve flexibility, strengthen muscle, and improve cardiovascular health, as with any cardio exercise.




Aquatic Exercises


If you are already experiencing muscle or joint pain, doing more physical activities can be more challenging, and even stop you from trying. One way to work around this is through aquatic exercises.


Swimming or simply getting into the water to move around is excellent to improve strength and flexibility. Plus, moving around in the water can be less painful because of your buoyancy, making it perfect for problems with joints and muscles.




Getting a massage does not only help relax your body, it can improve flexibility, improve circulation and decrease pain. Through gently applied pressure on the body, massage releases tight muscles that can be causing problems in mobility and flexibility.


It can also help release tension in the body, making you feel more energized and refreshed.


Unlike many aspects of aging, flexibility is something we can maintain as we grow older. We can still be flexible despite our age through daily physical activities and simple stretches.


Do what the super-agers do… exercise!





Super Agers Have Strong Immune Systems



At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the elderly became one of its targets. In many countries, the major casualties were senior-aged people.


The elderly population is still under threat from any new emerging variants, and therefore, having a strong immune system helps to reduce this and similar threats.





Aging Effects on the Immune System


The immune system is the body’s first line of defense against infections and diseases. It acts as a guard, ensuring that foreign bodies are kept out of the bloodstream and the rest of the body.


Our immune system consists of innate and adaptive immune systems. When a virus, regardless of its specific kind, enters the body, the innate immune system immediately goes into action to try and stop its spread. The adaptive immune system protects the body by attacking only specific kinds of viruses.


When the immune system encounters a disease for the first time, it usually takes a while for the adaptive immune system to adapt to this new virus.


However, the adaptive immune system ‘saves’ the virus make-up in its memory, making it easier and quicker to respond once it fights the same virus again. As we get older, our immune system tends to weaken. The innate immune system becomes less and less effective in catching viruses.


At the same time, the adaptive immune system takes a longer time to respond to new viruses. With virus variants continuously being formed, our aging body becomes slower at recognizing these viruses and therefore more susceptible to infections.


Our body also takes more time to recover from diseases as we have fewer immune cells fighting for us. Autoimmune disorders, in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy body tissues, may also develop as we age.


Ways to Strengthen Immunity, For Both Young and Old


While the majority of the elderly population suffers from the typical effects of aging, including a weakened immune system, super-agers seem to be on a different playing field.


Seniors who belong to this elite group defy societal standards commonly associated with aging.


Here’s what you can do, regardless of your age, to help strengthen your immune system.


Eat A Healthy Diet


Eating healthy foods is a proven way to stay healthy and keep your immune system working as it should. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as various fruits and green leafy vegetables, are great for boosting your natural defense against viruses.


Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that aids in fighting free radicals while fortifying the immune system.


Exercising Regularly


Exercising is another way to increase immunity against viruses. When we exercise, our bodies flush out bacteria from the lungs and airways, lowering the chances of catching the flu, colds, or other infections.


Exercising also activates the antibodies found in our white blood cells, the body’s immune system cells, making it easier and faster for the body to respond to viruses.


Minimizing Stress


One of the damaging effects brought on by stress is a weak immune system. When we are stressed, our body responds by strengthening certain functions that will help us to fight or flee from the stressor, such as the cardiovascular and nervous systems.


At the same time, it minimizes the use of other functions, such as the immune system that are less important to fight or flight situations. This means that the immune system only works at its best when the body is in a relaxed state.


Therefore, if we are constantly under stress, the immune system weakens.



Living a stress-free life is not realistic. However, we can find ways to minimize its effects and increase the periods between stress-inducing events. Self-care practices and getting quality sleep effectively lower the impact of stress on the body.




Whether you are for or against vaccines, some vaccines have saved humanity from many deadly illnesses. Science has shown that specific vaccines help the body fight specific diseases, and those with weakened immune systems are those who are most reliant on their protection.


Aging does not have to result in a weak body – this is something we have learned from the super-agers. Keeping your immune system strong, especially as you age, is essential to enjoying a long and healthy life.




Superfoods For Mental and Physical Health



During our younger years, we don’t often pay much attention to pursuing a healthy lifestyle. There’s too much to do and no time to think about something we can think about later. However, we should think about it if we want to become a super-ager.


A healthy lifestyle includes nourishing the body with superfoods, which are vital to having an improved quality of life. Superfoods are packed with nutrients that can enhance health and well-being.


They have great health benefits, such as improved bone health, proper brain function, good eyesight, heart health, and more. If you pay attention to what you eat, and how much you exercise and sleep, you have a great chance of protecting yourself from chronic or degenerative diseases.


Superfoods For Improved Mental and Physical Health


Here are some superfoods to add to your diet now, so you can become a super-ager later!


Super Eggs


Consume high protein-rich foods. Aside from lean meat, poultry, and seafood, aging bodies need eggs in their diet to enhance calcium absorption which will help rebuild and strengthen muscles, maintain muscle mass and tissues, and promote bone health. Eggs also strengthen your immune system and they increase satiety or fullness. Think of them as super eggs because they are little bundles of goodness and have so many health benefits.


Fish – Excellent Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Fish, such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, and tuna are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids (DHA), which are good for a healthy heart and brain. Low DHA levels can cause memory loss or symptoms of dementia, so add fish to your weekly diet.


Fruits and Vegetables – The Colors of Goodness


Red fruits and vegetables can help fight cancer and reduce heart disease. They have powerful antioxidants good for the eyes, hair, nails, and skin, and protect against cell damage, inflammation, arthritis, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases.


Their lycopene can reduce signs of aging. Examples are beets, peppers, red onions, tomatoes, pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries, and watermelon. Strawberries are a low-sugar fruit. They contain vitamin C and help fatigue and body inflammation.


Blueberries can keep seniors hydrated and energized. Its vitamin C, K, and manganese are immune-boosting antioxidants and protect against muscle weakening and cancer. Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients, including vitamins C and E, zinc, beta-carotene, fiber, and potassium.


They increase blood flow, lower the risk of stroke, protect eyesight, and promote healthy gut and gut motility. They also have anti-inflammatory properties, help balance hydration, boost the healing of muscles, and increase energy and endurance. Examples are bananas, carrots, corn, lemons, oranges, and peaches.


Replace white and yellow potatoes with orange sweet potatoes if you want to increase your beta-carotene, fiber, potassium, and vitamin A intake. They have a higher nutritional value than potatoes. Their sweetness is healthy because of their complex carbohydrates and sugars. They can provide seniors with energy that will motivate them to exercise and build muscle.


As a wonderful bonus, it slows down aging. A baked sweet potato with organic butter is delicious and healthy. Green fruits such as avocados have the healthiest fat that provides the energy needed by seniors in moving and exercising. Kiwi fruit has high vitamin C content and abundant antioxidants that protect against disease and inflammation. They can also boost your mood, with their mood-lifting hormone serotonin.


Dark green leafy vegetables, such as kale, romaine lettuce, spinach, and swiss chard have been superfoods for a long time because they are high in vitamins A, C, E, and K, calcium, carotenoids, fiber, folate, and iron. Blend them into smoothies, or as an added ingredient to your meals. Broccoli is another green vegetable full of nutrients such as vitamins C and K, and calcium. Like other dark green vegetables, broccoli acts as an antioxidant.


Beans and Lentils


Beans and lentils are high in vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc. Beans are also rich sources of antioxidants, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and micronutrients such as folate. Lentils are vegetarian protein, high in fiber and essential amino acids, and low in cholesterol.

By replenishing lost minerals in the body, eating beans can help maintain blood sugar levels. Lentils can be cooked on their own, added to salads, soups, and stews, or as a side dish. They are healthy for the heart too!


Whole Grains


They are known as healthy carbs that can energize you through the day. They lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Oats, muesli, barley, and brown rice are just some examples of fiber-rich whole-grain foods.


Quinoa, which is full of protein, copper, fiber, healthy carbohydrates, and magnesium assists in building and repairing muscles. Oats are great for heart health, and when eaten at breakfast, can help energize you. They also provide fiber which is good for gut health.


Nuts and Seeds


Nuts such as almonds and walnuts are full of healthy fats and proteins that give seniors a healthy heart and nutritional energy throughout the day. They rebuild and strengthen muscles that enable you to exercise. They also provide amino acids, carbs, fiber, and vitamin E.


Chia seeds and pumpkin seeds are healthy snacks that energize and build endurance. They have a high fiber content too, which aids in digestion. Nuts and seeds make great high-energy snacks.


Herbs and Spices


Don’t forget your herbs and spices! Turmeric and cinnamon are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger and garlic are other superfoods to add to your super-agers diet. The benefits of garlic and its healing properties are an article all on its own, so don’t leave this little super food off your list!


Consuming colorful foods from nature will help guarantee your physical and mental health. Remember, moderation is key. Too much of anything is not usually good. Add the above superfoods to your diet and your days will be healthier and no doubt you will live longer.


Gut Health (Microbiome) and Super Agers



Aging comes with a host of changes in the body. Some slow, some seemingly rapid. One of the many changes that come with aging is developing digestive issues. Several factors can cause poor digestion among the elderly.


They include poor dentition and an unhealthy or imbalanced diet. Another cause that many people are unaware of is having an unhealthy gut microbiome.


Super agers have super gut health!


Importance of a Healthy Gut Microbiome


Having a healthy digestive system is essential at any age, and we can achieve it through having a healthy gut microbiome. But what exactly is the gut microbiome?


A microbiome is a collection or group of microorganisms present in a specific environment, such as our digestive tract. A person’s microbiome can affect their gut health, causing digestive problems and intestinal discomfort.


Our microbiomes can have a mix of both harmful and good bacteria. Bad bacteria are known to cause illnesses and chronic diseases, while good bacteria can help with several physiological functions.


Importantly, many ‘bad’ bacteria are only bad when their numbers increase to levels that displace so-called good bacteria and disrupt gut flora ratios essential to a healthy microbiome. These ‘bad’ bacteria often perform useful roles when they exist in correct amounts, such as helping to maintain optimum pH balance.


Of course, it makes sense that a healthy gut microbiome includes primarily beneficial bacteria. These good bacteria aid digestion, ensuring that the body adequately absorbs nutrients. Good bacteria can also help boost the immune system and do so much more!


Digestion Problems Associated with Aging


Suffering from digestive problems is highly common among the elderly. The problem is usually caused by the slowing down of many bodily functions, including digestion. Just as muscles in the body become weaker and stiffer, and less efficient, so the digestive muscles do too.


Aside from weak muscles, it is also possible that individuals have developed an unhealthy gut microbiome due to poor diet and lifestyle. Diarrhea, constipation, peptic ulcers, heartburn, and bloating are just some of the common digestion problems associated with aging.

Many senior citizens also suffer from chronic Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, and fecal incontinence. Experiencing persistent problems with digestion can lead to reduced nutrient absorption – nutrients that are all too important for an aging body.


Super Agers and their Healthy Gut


While many of the elderly population experience difficulties related to their gut and digestive health, some seem to enjoy a healthier and longer life. Yes, you guessed it, they are the super-agers. They are the seniors 80 years old and above who exhibit physical and cognitive abilities comparable to people who are decades younger than them.


When health researchers examined the diet and lifestyle of super-agers, they found that their gut health played a significant role in their long and healthy life. According to studies, super-agers have a unique gut microbiome pattern different from their less healthy same-aged counterparts.


One study revealed that super ager’s gut microbiome profiles do not change drastically even if they age, almost resembling the gut flora profiles of young adults.


It is not a coincidence that super-agers with good microbiomes are healthier than other normal aging adults. Super agers with healthy microbiome profiles also have lower cholesterol levels and higher vitamin D levels, making them more physically active and mobile than their peers.


Developing a Healthy Gut


Intrigued by scientific findings on super-agers and their healthy microbiome, health experts examined their diets. They discovered that super ager’s diets mainly consist of whole foods and plants, food groups that are known to improve gut health.


Your gut microbiome does not become unhealthy or unbalanced of its own accord. While it can be affected by disease or ill health, it is a greater truth that poor gut health causes disease and ill health.

Simply, the composition and number of the various microorganisms that comprise your gut microbiome are a product of what you consume over time. If you eat healthy foods, the organisms that live on these healthy foods thrive.


If you consume overly processed, high-sugar, low-nutrient foods, the organisms that thrive on this intake will explode and the beneficial bacteria will die off. You are what you eat.


Doctors and nutritionists have always recommended having a good balance of food in your diet to help improve gut health. Focus on eating vegetables that are full of fiber and nutrients that can help with digestion, such as broccoli, leeks, asparagus, artichokes, spinach, and other leafy vegetables.


Root vegetables, such as turnips, sweet potatoes, ginger, and onions, are not only healthy but are also excellent sources of prebiotics or ‘good’ bacteria that help with maintaining the gut microbiome.


Eating fermented foods regularly, such as yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, or kefir, is also good practice if you want to develop a healthy gut. These foods contain good gut bacteria that aid in digestion and support optimal health.


Cultivating a healthy gut through your diet means cutting back on heavily-processed foods and sugar, and moderating the intake of red meat.


Super-agers and their healthy gut microbiome could be the answer to our unending quest for longevity. Therefore, it pays to take care of your gut through a balanced diet, which ultimately will contribute to living a very long and healthy life.





Increasing Life Expectancy – Is 100 The New 75?



Before the start of the 20th century, it was not common to see people live much past 60, but today, thanks to advancements in science and various lifestyle factors, more people are reaching the golden age of 100.


According to current statistics, if you Google the average ‘global’ lifespan you may be happy to know it increases all the time.


It appears that the age of 100 is the new 75 expectation!



Factors for Longevity


Several factors can contribute to improved longevity. Being gifted with the right genes can be helpful, and many centenarians have close family members who are near the same age.


However, genetics is only a part of the longevity equation. Quite probably, these close family members all followed similar healthy lifestyles that contributed to their increased lifespan.


Less dangerous vocations generally and having easier access to quality healthcare are other factors that contribute to the increase in average life spans. The average life expectancy of a person living in the United States, at the time of this writing, is just over 79.


First-world countries often have accessible or affordable healthcare given to their citizens, while those living in developing countries do not have the same options. Poorer countries are also known to suffer more from hunger and armed conflict, which can drastically reduce life expectancy.


Genetics and country of residence are two factors we are not always in control of. However, we can always control our lifestyle to a certain extent. Having a healthy balanced diet while maintaining regular physical activities is still the most impactful way to work towards achieving a long and healthy life.


Super Agers


While most of us want to live until we are very old, we don’t want to spend our old age in bed because of pain or illness. We still want to live a full and active life. As life expectancy increases, our quality of life should not diminish.


Aging gracefully is what super-agers have long mastered. Super-agers, or healthy and fit people aged 80 and above, seem to have unlocked the secret to a long and healthy life. Those who haven’t reached 100 yet have very good chances indeed!



How to Increase Longevity


If super-agers have revealed the so-called ‘secrets’ to a long life, it makes sense to do what they do. Good health is the best way to live longer, so here is how you can achieve that.


Eat A Balanced Diet


Diet is a significant component of health at any age. Therefore, it is imperative to eat a balanced diet to increase your life expectancy. Focus on eating whole grains, nuts, and vegetables. Boost your protein intake by eating more fish and seafood. Avoid processed foods completely, or as much as possible.


Keep Moving


Exercising is always a good way to become healthier. When it comes to aging, regular exercise can be beneficial in several ways. It can decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other life-threatening illnesses.


Exercising is also vital in managing weight. Regularly engaging in physical activities can boost your mood and lower your risk of depression and anxiety.




Having opportunities to socialize with others is another way to increase life expectancy. Socializing with friends and family and having positive relationships can significantly increase your lifespan, as it gives you a sense of purpose and belonging. Socializing also lowers the risk of mental health problems associated with aging.


Quit Bad Habits


Smoking is one bad habit that has long been linked to various diseases and can lead to premature death. Many sources stress how smoking can take years off your life. Some say those who smoke are likely to lose up to 10 years of their life and increase their risk of early death by up to three times. This is why it is never too late to quit.


Sleep Better


Developing a good sleeping pattern can help you live longer and healthier. One way to do this is to minimize stress, as stressors can keep you awake at night and reduce your sleep quality. Another way is to create a night routine that can help you wind down before you go to bed.


See Your Doctor For Health Screenings Regularly


As mentioned earlier, healthcare is essential to living a long life. You can’t always see or feel what’s going on with your health, so having regular checks can keep you informed of any area that may need your attention. Health screenings can help detect early signs of various diseases.


In summary, we are very fortunate to live in a time where 40 is the new 30, 60 is the new 50, and 100 is the new 75.


Here’s to having a long life, full of LIFE!




Age Is Just a Number – You’re As Old As You Feel



The anti-aging market is one of the most profitable businesses today. Its focus is not just on beauty, but also on longevity.


We are constantly bombarded with advertisements for countless anti-aging creams, soaps, supplements, and treatments that can supposedly keep us young inside and out.


However, getting older remains a fact of life. No one has found the magic pill to turn back the clock or provide us with immortality.


So the question still remains, what is the secret to living a long and fulfilled life? Perhaps the closest we can get to an answer lies with the super-agers. Don’t be surprised to come across an octogenarian running a marathon or actively pursuing a brand new career.


It is wonderful to know that there are people over 100 years of age who still have goals they are striving for. If you ask them what’s the secret, they are more than willing to share the secrets to their longevity.


Here’s what you may hear from them.


Think Young


When we talk about aging, the phrase ‘You are as old as you feel’ often comes up in the conversation. That’s because there is great truth to this saying. Many super-agers defy stereotypes about aging. They set themselves apart from the norm and show that age is just a number.


This mindset leads them to be more physically active and cognitively robust, for longer. In our highly agist society, it is easy to accept the trappings of aging. However, simply not thinking of yourself as getting old improves your mindset.


A young perspective allows you to believe that you can still engage in various physical activities that are not generally associated with seniors. A youthful perspective enables you to see signs of aging in a more positive light, making you more open to challenges and new experiences.


Giving in to the belief that you are old and have limited time left can make you neglect taking care of yourself as well as you could. For example, some individuals believe that since they are getting older (and will continue to age) they will skip eating healthy meals or exercising.


They may begin to indulge in an unhealthy diet, thinking that there is no point in eating healthy foods because what’s the point. This can make them more susceptible to developing life-threatening diseases, such as diabetes and heart and cholesterol problems.


Losing sight of one’s purpose in life can also negatively affect your mindset. Many seniors that have retired lose their sense of purpose and identity. They need to find it again, and they can with a young mindset.


Developing a Young Mindset


Feeling young starts with developing a youthful mindset. To develop positive beliefs about aging, be more open to new challenges and experiences.

Engaging in activities that can challenge you, such as developing new skills, learning new information, or socializing with different people, helps you to feel younger.


Another way to develop a young mindset is to cultivate a ‘young’ healthy lifestyle. Do what young people do, not what you think old people should be doing.


Regular exercise and engaging in physical activities not only keep us fit but can boost our mood, and make us feel and look better. Apart from exercising, try meditation to help develop a more youthful mindset.


Practicing mindfulness also helps to change your mindset to a more youthful one. Being mindful makes you focus on the present, so think of yourself as young and vibrant. You are in control of your life and your destiny.


There is no way we can stop our birthdays, but we can keep our minds and body young, and it all begins in the mind.









When we are young we can often feel almost immortal and indestructible. We can certainly act this way, even if we know we aren’t. We may make choices, both impulsive and sustained, that can affect not only how long we live for, but also how much enjoyment we experience along the way.


While there are always outliers such as accidents or illness that can also be factors, the data shows that these influences are a minority when compared to lifestyle. Also, even these factors can themselves be mitigated by lifestyle and environmental choices.


As we get older we become increasingly aware of our mortality. However, not everyone uses this awareness to take actions that will greatly increase their likelihood of a longer life and a more joyous and fulfilling one.


The big takeaway is that it is never too late or too early to start making positive changes that can provide life-changing outcomes. You can start small with simple dietary changes and gentle stretching exercises.


The main thing is to make sure you treat it as a lifestyle choice and not a fad. Make good choices and do them every day for the rest of your life. This will help you enjoy that life more and for longer.