The Health Benefits Of Red Wine Have you been looking for more reasons to enjoy red wine? Well the good news is it really does provide you with a host of health benefits. Just remember to limit yourself to no more than five glasses per week (and certainly no more than two glasses a day)….
Author: docmac
Internal Medicine
What Is A Fungal Skin Infection?
What Is A Fungal Skin Infection? According to Medical News Today, a fungus is “one of a wide range of living organisms, some of them beneficial to health, others less so.” Members of the group of eukaryotic organisms, fungi exist as molds and microorganisms, yeasts and mushrooms. Fungal skin infections on humans are common, and…
What Is Psoriasis?
What Is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is a skin condition where the skin cells build up. The cells don’t shed the way they should. This results in raised itchy red or silvery, flaky or scaly dry flakes, that are extremely itchy. It is commonly seen on the elbows, knees, wrists and scalp, but can appear anywhere on…