Is Junk Food Really Food Marketing can be a powerful tool. How so? Well, just think about it. Because of marketing, the masses can be fooled into believing things are good for you that are really not, setting the stage for pharmaceutical companies to come in. This is how the processed/ junk food industry operates….
Author: docmac
Internal Medicine
Keeping Your Brain Sharp And Young As You Age
How to Keep Your Brain Sharp and Young as You Age There are many not-so-fun side effects of getting older and many reasons not to look forward to the inevitable march of time. While many of the down sides we tend to focus on though are to do with our bodies failing us, perhaps even…
Staying Flexible And Mobile As You Age
Why it is Crucial to Stay Mobile and Flexible as You Age There is no shortage of articles, blog posts and video resources concerned with telling you how to age gracefully and avoid harsh-looking lines and wrinkles. But one area that often gets criminally overlooked, is the importance of staying mobile and flexible as you…