Osteopathic Treatment of Muscular Strains Osteopathic treatment is the treatment of the body as a whole. The osteopathic physician, or D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) also believes that healing comes from within. The treatment of osteopathic medicine is done by manipulation, stretching, ice, rest, exercises and other similar treatments. Osteopathic medicine is not to be…
Author: docmac
Internal Medicine
Cranial Osteopathy- What Is It
What is cranial osteopathy Cranial osteopathy is a branch of osteopathic medicine in which the physician uses their hands to facilitate movement between the skull bones. In the mid-1930s Dr. Sutherland helped to develop and teach cranial osteopathy. He emphasized that the cranial concept was only an extension of, and not separate from, the science…
The Benefits Of An Osteopathic Physician For Seniors
Benefits of Using an Osteopath in the Senior Years Everyone knows that with age comes arthritis. It is almost inevitable. Anyone that has lived life to its fullest can appreciate that their body has been through many years of physical strain and stress. Their joints and muscles have been taxed and the result is discomfort…