How Does Chronic Insomnia Affect Your Health Chronic insomnia can have greatly impacting effects on human health. It has been linked to many health problems such as depression, stroke, heart attack, obesity, diabetes and hypertension. Unfortunately, the damaging effects of chronic insomnia remain under-recognized by many people, including some medical professionals. The obvious symptom of…
Author: docmac
Internal Medicine
Preventing The Cold And Flu This Season
Easy Tips To Help Prevent Colds and Flu This Season to Give You The Edge The people who are exposed to germs from flu and colds on a daily basis, such as flight attendants, doctors, teachers, etc. probably know quite a few easy tips on how to avoid catching and even preventing the germs spread…
Long Term Weight Loss Tips
5 Tips for Long Term Weight Loss Success Losing weight can take a lot out of you, physically, emotionally, mentally. And many times, once it’s off, you feel like those calories will never return. But the sad truth is that we easily pack on the pounds soon after because we fall back into the same…