How Can You Avoid Stress Eating When you are spending more time at home, it is easier to turn to food when you feel stressed or anxious. This is a normal stress response, and not inherently bad, though you might not want to only use food as a way to cope. Here are some tips…
Author: docmac
Internal Medicine
Perfect Time For Creative Endeavors
Why Now is the Perfect Time for Creative Endeavors Feeling a little lost and bored while inside for long stretches of time? It is the perfect time to explore those creative endeavors you have! You Have Longer Stretches of Time to Be Creative Think about the reasons you weren’t able to work on your creative…
Socializing When You Are Alone
Why You Should Still Be Socializing Even When You’re Alone It can be hard enough dealing with self-isolation where you aren’t able to connect physically with other people, but if you are living alone, it is even harder. However, it is still possible to socialize and connect with others, even while practicing social distancing. You…