The Target Heart Rate Controversy It’s always funny when there is controversy in working out, you’d think that if something is healthy for you and gets you moving there would be no way that anyone could think badly about it. But like with food, people have different opinions on what is best for the body…
Author: docmac
Internal Medicine
7 Ways Seniors Can Boost Energy In The Morning
7 Ways Seniors Can Boost Energy In The Morning As we get older, we invariably have less energy, at least that’s how it feels. When we were younger, it seemed as though we would literally combust with the amount of surplus energy we had. When we weren’t playing tag on the playground, we were outrunning…
Preventing Heart Disease In Women
Preventing Heart Disease In Women Heart disease kills more women than breast cancer does, but women seem more frightened about their breast cancer odds. One of the commonly shared myths about heart attacks, heart disease, strokes and other heart health problems is that it’s not as widespread among women as it is men. Heart disease…