5 Ways To Improve Posture When Sitting At A Desk

5 Ways To Improve Posture When Sitting At A Desk


Most of us know that our posture is very important for the future health of our backs, but when you work at an office every day, it’s easy to fall into bad habits. Here are 5 quick fixes for improving posture when you sit at a desk.


1) Support Your Lower Back


You can reduce the strain on your back with lower back support. This means you should use an adjustable chair so that you can find the perfect height and tilt to support your lower back. If you can’t immediately get your hands on a better chair, use a cushion to increase support in that area.


2) Change the Position of Your Screen


Adjust your computer screen so that the top is roughly level with your eyes. This will help you naturally sit better as you look at the screen throughout the day. It also helps to make sure that there is no glare or reflection on the screen so that you don’t have to strain to see it.


3) Adjust Your Height


An adjustable chair is very important to ensure you’re at the right height for typing. Your arms should be straight and parallel to the floor. Any higher or lower and you could be damaging your posture. Optimum posture also means having your feet flat on the floor, but you may need to use a footrest to help. Remember, crossing your legs isn’t good for posture.


4) Change Your Phone


If you use the phone a lot as part of your job, then you can end up straining your neck and back muscles. In this case, a headset may be a better choice for you. Even if you don’t use the phone often enough to justify this change, remember to keep your phone – and any other items you regularly use – in easy reach so that you don’t need to stretch and twist to reach them.


5) Take Care of Your Wrists


You should leave a gap at the front of the desk, before the keyboard, to let your wrists rest when you’re not typing. It also helps to use a padded mousemat to reduce strain, particularly if you experience pain in your wrist when clicking the mouse.


Although not all of us have the benefit of being able to choose the desks and chairs we use in our office, we can all do small things to improve our posture and reduce the possible chance of injury now and in the future.