Home Self Care Includes Taking Care of Your Skin

Home Self Care Includes Taking Care of Your Skin

Have you been putting enough effort into self-care while stuck at home? If you’ve been taking yourself for granted, get up now, and focus on yourself for a minute. It will help you deal with any stress and anxiety and lift your spirits. One way to give yourself some TLC is by taking better care of your skin.

When you’re staying at home, you may forget to take care of your skin as you should. One of the most important things to remember is to get enough sunlight. While the sun has harmful rays that can damage your skin, you still need to expose your skin to a reasonable amount of sunshine.

Doing so will give you the natural supply of vitamin D that your body needs, which is essential for your health. If you are staying inside your house, you probably are not getting a sufficient amount of sunlight, and that can lead to a range of health problems. So, step outside for at least 20 minutes each day.

Your skin needs constant care, whether it is exposed to sunlight or all covered up with clothes. You may experience many skin problems, such as dryness and irritation.

To prevent adding more stress to your stay-at-home life, here are some tips for taking care of your skin.

” Moisturize Your Skin

One of the most common skin issues is dryness. During an infection disease breakout, for example, everyone is encouraged to wash their hands frequently, sanitize, and disinfect. However, frequent handwashing and disinfecting can also be damaging to your skin. It can lead to dryness and irritation, not only on your hands but your face as well.

That’s why you shouldn’t forget to moisturize your skin after washing your hands. It is best to apply lotion and moisturizer when your hands are still damp so that the moisture will be trapped and keep your skin hydrated.

” Pamper Your Skin

Give your skin some pampering. Cleanse your face once or twice a day. Treat it with a steam facial, which will detoxify your skin, loosen dirt in the pores, and help absorb other skincare products that you apply. Don’t forget to tone as well to restore the pH balance after you have washed your face.

” Sunscreen

You may not be aware of it, but you are still exposed to the sun’s UV rays through the windows, so if you are sitting near the window, protect your skin. Prolonged exposure means your skin will still be subject to premature aging and possible risks of skin cancer. You may need to wear some sort of sunscreen protection or skincare products with mineral-based SPF.

” Minimize Your Use of Gadgets

Another light that’s harming your skin is the blue light coming from your device’s screen. It is called high energy visible (HEV) light, which can cause premature aging. Also, have you heard of “tech neck”? It’s the wrinkling of your skin on the neck due to frequent bending of the neck as you look down on your screen. So, do your skin a favor by reducing your use of your gadgets.

It is essential to give yourself some loving care regularly. Self-care should be a routine, and that includes keeping your skin healthy. Staying at home, either by choice or by certain conditions, is not an excuse to be complacent with your skincare routine.

On the contrary, it is one of the best times to treat your skin, taking the chance to give it a “vacation” from environmental pollution and some products, such as makeups that you use every day. Remember the few skincare tips above and keep your skin in top shape whether you are in or outside your home.