Essential Oils to Care for Your Changing Moods

Essential Oils to Care for Your Changing Moods

Life can feel like a rollercoaster ride at times, and so too can changing moods. One moment you’re freaking out, then you’ll feel calm and relaxed, and before you know it, you’re dealing with the freaking out stage all over again. If you’ve noticed your moods have been up and down lately, it’s probably time to re-evaluate and start practicing some self-care.

You know that self-care is important so that you can be productive, healthy, and mentally strong. When you take care of yourself, you are happier, more motivated, and better able to deal with life’s curveballs.

One of the better ways to manage your moods is by using essential oils. Essential oils are used in aromatherapy as a natural remedy for stress and anxiety, wherein the scent that you smell sends positive signals to your nervous system.

Here are some essential oils that you should try to level-up your self-care and better manage your changing moods.

To Calm You Down

” Pure Rose

Rose essential oil can calm your nerves, decreasing your fight or flight emotions. It is known to relieve headaches, balance your emotions, and strengthen your heart amid grief or depression. It can be used in a warm bath or applied directly onto the skin after diluting it.

” Lavender

Lavender essential oil can affect the brain’s limbic system, which is responsible for controlling emotions. It can also lower blood pressure and heart rate. That’s why using lavender is effective in calming you down and relieving your anxiety. It can also reduce depression and PTSD symptoms, as well as induce sleep, especially when you have insomnia. You can put a few drops on your pillow, which will help you sleep faster, or mix it with a carrier massage oil.

” Chamomile

Chamomile essential oil can calm your anger and depression with its sedating properties. It also calms in chamomile tea. So, when you’re feeling stressed, drink a cup of warm chamomile tea or take a warm bath with chamomile essential oil.

Other essential oils that have calming effects include:

” Valerian
” Sandalwood
” Ylang Ylang
” Basil
” Sage
” Vanilla
” Frankincense

To Boost Your Mood

” Bergamot

Bergamot essential oil has a refreshing citrus scent, which stimulates feelings of happiness. It can influence positive feelings and energy. It is part of traditional Chinese medicine and is proven to promote blood circulation and hormonal balance in the body. Studies have shown that bergamot is an effective antidepressant.

” Rosemary

Rosemary can help reduce the production of cortisol, a stress hormone. It is also effective in improving mental awareness and memory. When you’re feeling down, this will lift up your mood, helping you stay focused.

” Peppermint

Peppermint essential oil is one of the best to use to pick you up from a gloomy mood. Its refreshing scent can wake you up and put in you in a good mood and shake off the bad vibes. Peppermint is effective in preventing fatigue.
Other essential oils that can boost your moods are:

” Eucalyptus
” Cinnamon
” Ginger root
” Grapefruit
” Juniper berry
” Lime
” Wild orange

A Few Reminders

Essential oils are an effective natural remedy that can help you care for yourself when you’re experiencing erratic moods. However, because they are concentrated and often in the purest form, they require careful and safe use. Most essential oils need to be diluted first before they can be applied directly to the skin, usually with a carrier oil.

You can do a skin patch test first to ensure that you will not have an allergic reaction to your chosen essential oil. Otherwise, it would be safer to inhale it or use indirect inhalation methods, such as through an essential oil diffuser. Another important thing to remember is to get your essential oils only from reputable brands to ensure quality and purity.

Essential oils are often toxic and are not to be taken orally unless otherwise prescribed by a healthcare professional. Finally, if you have a serious health condition, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, you must consult your doctor first about the possible adverse effects of essential oils.

Used properly, essential oils are beneficial in managing your mood swings and are an excellent adjunct to your self-care practice.