Get Up And Exercise When Working From Home

Working From Home? Practice Self-Care and Get Up and Exercise

Do you work from home? If so, there are many benefits, as you would appreciate. For example, you will be saving time and money not having to commute every day. You get to spend more time with your family. If you have young children, you get to take care of your little children, watch them grow, and witness their milestones.

However, with any positives, there are always countering negatives. Not everything about working from home is sunlight and happiness. It can still be demanding, stressful, and full of challenges.

If working from home is not working smoothly for you, it could be that you are forgetting to take care of the most important thing – you. You are no superhero, unfortunately, so don’t push yourself too much. If you do, before you know it, you’ll be compromising your health, physically and mentally, which defeats the benefits of being able to work from home.

Here are a few tips that you can do to practice self-care while working from home.

” Set A Work Schedule

Even when you’re at home, it helps greatly if you set a work schedule. Although you have a flexible work arrangement, blocking a few specific hours for work can help you focus and be more productive. Find out which time of the day (or night) you are most productive and plan your schedule around that. A schedule will create a boundary between your work life and your time at home. That way, you establish a routine, use your time efficiently, and help to avoid stress.

” Exercise At Your Desk

It can be too easy to laze around when you’re working from home. You can also be so focused on the work that you forget that you’ve been sitting for hours already. Get up and get moving! There are various apps you can download to help you with that.

You can use an app that teaches you 7-minute workouts. There are also exercises that you can do while at your desk, such as chair squats (lift a chair and hold it while you’re squatting) and power punches (stretching your arms as if you’re really mad at the sky).

” Meditate – You Don’t Need To Go To A Retreat!

Take a break to ease your mind from pressure, stress, and anxiety. You can download an app that will remind you to meditate for three minutes. Meditation will help you relax and stay positive so that you avoid feeling rushed and stressed.

” Eat Nourishing Snacks

Self-care is also about nourishing your body, so don’t let yourself to binge on junk foods. To avoid that, only stock healthy and nutritious foods in your pantry. Fruits, nuts, fresh milk, yogurt are healthy staples. Fill your fridge with foods that you can snack on easily while working. These will keep you stay energized as you perform your tasks.

” Stay Hydrated

No matter how busy you are, don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated. Drink plenty of water, which will keep your body functioning well. If you’re the type who easily gets engrossed in your tasks and tend to forget to drink water, you can download an app that will remind you when it’s time to get your next glass of refreshing water. You can also put a bottle of water on your table, so you can see every time and be reminded that you should drink.

” Get Enough Sleep

Working from home can get swamped with tasks, and when you’ve built your momentum, you may be tempted to push through until late at night. However, that will leave you exhausted the next day. Remember to take care of yourself and get enough sleep. Keep to a regular sleep schedule because when your sleep cycle is thrown off, it can affect your mood, weight, and productivity.

Working from home has plenty of benefits. You may be so comfortable working from home, though, that you may tend to slack off and become complacent. However, you must not forget to practice self-care. Get up and exercise!

It is crucial to take care of your physical and mental health so that you’ll be more productive and in a better state to attend to other needs of your family. After all, you are working from home for your family, so taking yourself for granted will be counterproductive. Stay healthy!